twiter for business

Twitter for Business: the Key Engagement Guidelines

One of the best decisions you have made for your business is to getting it on Twitter. Making use of Twitter for business is effective and yields high results. Before you get the kind of engagement you want for your business, do you know that there are certain guidelines you have to follow on the Twitter platform? Whether you are a beginner on Twitter or a pro, you have to follow these guidelines on how to how to use twitter for business.

Why Using Twitter for Business is Recommended

Several businesses get on Twitter to extend their reach and connect with users (both old and new ones). For new business on Twitter trying to get familiar with the platform, their are some terms you need to know such as tweets, likes, mentions, direct messages, hashtags, geotagging and geolocation and several others. All these will help to boost you presence on Twitter and get you the kind of engagement you want to see. Aside, do you know you can buy real NFT Twitter retweets for your NFT projects? Now here are the basic guidelines for maing use of Twitter for business.

Start from the Scratch Before Aiming for the Top

As a new business on Twitter, you need to build your profile so that users can easily know get to know your business without asing much questions. A legitimate business on Twitter platform should have a clearly filledouot profile, cover photo, profile image, description and a link to your official website. Do not just begin sending tweets as soon as your account is created. Doing this will only make you lose content within a short while. Planning is one of the fundamentals to get good balance on Twitter. Plan out what you want to achieve, when to tweet and what you will be tweeting.

Understand the Language Before you Start Speaking

Experts recommends that the most appropriate ways to get started with building yor account is to speak the same language with your audience. This is also referred to as social listening. To do this, you have to make research and study what kind of conversation is going on about your brand. Discover the suitable keyword(s)and mentions of your competitors. The reason behind searching about your competitors is for you to know how to key in to get potential prospect. Contribute by giving them advice or thank them for mentioning. There are smart features that can be used to simplify yout social listening. Also, take a step ahead by searching for leads for your customers. Monitor mentions and relevant points so yo can make healthy contributions to meaningful conversations.


Every Tweet is as Important as Your Business

Craft out befitting headlines, add videos or images where necessary.also, you can give credit by retweeting other users’ tweets and mentioning them. It is necessary you post regularly. In addition, follow the 80/20 rule which states that post four entertaining/informative tweets for every promotional tweet. Engagement is the goal on Twitter. Spamming followers with product listing is prohibited. Ensure that yo do not publish duplicate content on Twitter before it is against their policy.

How Do You Succeed on Twitter for Business

Since after Twitter was launched in 2006, it has done lots of good to several businesses. If you want to find out what is happening across the world, Twitter is the first place that comes to mind. So how can you leverage on this platform to grow your business engagement? Follow these guidelines and experiment on how to use twitter for business on your Twitter journey.

Post Unique Stories

Twitter primary use is for broadcasting new happenings and making it available to users across the world. By this, businesses are broadcasters, meant to share their unique stories. Add Twitter as a vital part of yout social strategy whether you clients are in the entertainment, gaming, news or tech industries. Moments and trending topics are the current tools used to gather engagement. It helps to track like-minded people and help to search for interesting content you can offer your community. There are other advanced features that can help you improve and maximize your engagement on Twitter such as Q&A sessions, dipping your toes in videos, Twitter polls etc.


Express Gratitude to Old and New Clients

Users on Twitter take mentioning a brand or following very serious. Through the Twitter network, small and medium businesses have been discovered. Moreso, more than 68.7% of users have made purchase from one small and medium business because of a content they saw on the platform.more than 60% of your followers have the plan to buy from you. This is quite encouraging for these SMB marketers. Therefore, it is thoughtful to mention your customers and show your appreciation. When questions are being asked, give quick responses and make the know they are following a real account and not just bots.

Directly Engage and Meet Influencers

If you want to great on Twitter for business directly engaging aand meeting influencers is recommended. Twitter has given the opportunity for businesses to engage with their mentors or company using just a nicely composed tweet. You do not have to wait for pending invitations to be accepted or approval like some other platforms. All you need to do on Twitter is just speak up. You can now reach out to industry leaders and influencers in your niche and build solid relationships with them. By this, you can easily make collaborations with them and quote them on your subsequent posts. Make a list of companies and people you would like engage with and follow up your list.

Make Use of Hashtags Effectively

In every of your post, making use of hashtags is important. One thing is to use hashtags and another thing is to know the right hashtags to use. Usage of hashtags started on Twitter and have now extended to other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. This is to show you that hashtags are essential on any post you make. The only rule about hashtags is to keep them relevant and do not overuse them. Just one or two right hashtags are enough to get your content to the right audience. With hashtags, you can find users related to your business niche and other users can also find your business. Do your business a favor by creating a hashtag for it.


Now you must have understood how to use twitter for business. The next thing is to follow the guidelines accordingly if you want to make get the right engagement to your business. Several businesses in your niche are doing well on Twitter. So, you can also join the league. Invest your time and patiently build from the scratch so you can master the act. Soon you will get good results and be able to control your community with ease.


How Web3 Transforms the Future – All About Web3

To a similar extent that Web 2.0 was a paradigm shift, Web 3.0 could be a game-changer. Web 3.0 is predicated on the core ideas of decentralization, openness, and enhanced consumer utility. Web 3.0, also known as Web 3, is the evolution of the World Wide Web.

Envision a different kind of the Internet, one where your input is instantly translated and understood in any format you use (text, voice, or otherwise) and where the content you access is more tailored to your specific interests and needs than ever before. You are about to experience a watershed moment in the history of the Internet. The term “Web 3.0” has been coined for it.

What will Web 3.0 look like, and how will it change our lives? If any of the aforementioned piques your interest, you’ve come to the right place.

What Is Web 3.0 Technology?

It is anticipated that Web 3.0 will be:-

Open: Content delivery networks will be built with free, open-source software.

Trustless: In a trustless system, everyone uses Zero Trust, and security in the network extends to the very edges.

Decentralized: Devices, users, and services can all communicate with one another without needing approval from a single entity.

Difference Between Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and Web 3.0

It’s important to look back at web 1.0 and web 2.0 before moving forward with web 3.0.

For those interested in learning about the origins of the Internet, here it is:

  • In Web 1.0, users can only consume content by reading web pages.
  • Websites and programs in the Web 2.0 era encourage users to read and create content.
  • People in Web 3.0 can read, write, and interact with content on websites and apps, such as 3D graphics. This is all made possible by AI.

Web3 Forecasts

  • Data transfers and record-keeping will be handled in a decentralized manner thanks to blockchain-based distributed ledger technology.
  • The need for individuals to rely on a third party (such as a bank) to safeguard their data will be eliminated with the advent of publicly accessible smart contracts.
  • The metaverse will bring in a lot more money for the entertainment business.
  • Digital assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can be created instantly by consumers thanks to blockchain technology, safeguarding intellectual property and personal information in the process (PII).
  • Users’ information can be used for commercial gain.

What Is Web3 Used For?

Although Web3 technology is in its infancy, it has many potential applications already. You can find the current top 5 here:


The metaverse is a digital representation of the physical world and the Internet in three dimensions. Users can move around using their computers, smartphones, or virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) headsets, creating a highly immersive experience that will increasingly distort the boundaries between virtual and real life. Web3 marketplace development proposes a metaverse vision very different from the current state of affairs; one accessible to anyone is decentralized, interoperable, open-source, and will equitably reward creators and security contributors.

Blockchain Gaming

Axie Infinity’s success in 2021 sparked the play-to-earn craze in blockchain gaming, which offered players the chance to turn their gaming time into real cash. After the initial success of the first blockchain-powered game, thousands of imitators emerged, all promising users the opportunity to earn native tokens through playing their games, the value of which skyrocketed at launch before crashing.

Creator Economy

With Web3, creator communities such as artists, writers, musicians, designers, and developers can connect with their audiences and patrons without intermediaries. Because of this, they’ll be able to keep most of the money they make.

Distinctive Characteristics of the Third Generation World Wide Web


Part of what makes Web 3.0 so special is its emphasis on decentralization. In Web 2.0, information is stored in one central location, accessible via a single server, and accessed by computers via HTTP or specific web addresses. Data could be stored in multiple locations simultaneously in Web 3.0 because it would be found based on its content.

Trustless and Permissionless

Web 3.0 will be both trustless (in the sense that users can communicate with one another without going through a central authority) and permissionless (meaning that anyone can participate without authorization from a governing body).

Connectivity and Ubiquity

The Internet of Things is just one example of an ever-increasing number of commonplace devices that can connect to the web, making for a more interconnected and pervasive Web 3.0.

Edge Computing

For Web 3.0 to be a reality, edge computing, in which apps and data are processed at the network edge on devices like mobile phones, laptops, appliances, sensors, and even smart cars, must continue to develop.

Artificial Intelligence

With the help of AI, computers can understand information on a human level, allowing faster, more accurate results to be returned in various contexts. They gain intelligence and improved ability to meet user requirements as a result.

Potential Real-World Uses for Web 3.0

Apple’s Siri

Among the most important features of Web 3.0 is voice recognition software, and Siri is the best example of this. Using this innovation, personal assistants like Siri can collaborate, share data (via linked blocks), and return more relevant results for users’ queries (whether “how to,” “why,” or “what”) than ever before. Before this update, Siri was limited to performing only the most basic tasks using pre-programmed algorithms.

Wolfram Alpha

Wolfram Alpha is an online system that uses computational intelligence to solve problems. It is especially well-liked by those studying and working in scientific fields like mathematics, nutrition, and biology. Using Web 3.0 principles, this system compiles data from various sources and presents it in a streamlined format for end users.

Brave Browser

Popular web2 browsers like Chrome today provide extra features via a wide variety of user-created extensions; many of these extensions also have applications in the crypto space, such as wallet add-ons developed by MetaMask, Phantom, and others. But it’s also simple for bad actors to make fake or modified versions of these applications, lure potential victims with phishing techniques, and trick them into handing over access to their wallets or sending their cryptocurrency to an illegitimate address.

Here comes Opera’s Crypto Browser and the similar Brave Browser. Using its Basic Attention Token, Brave gives its users much more agency over their personal information, online security, and ad preferences than competing browsers (BAT). With Brave, users are protected from trackers, fingerprinting, and phishing attempts thanks to the browser’s innovative privacy and security features, such as an integrated VPN and firewall.


Flickr is well-known as a place to share pictures with others and to discover new concepts and photo albums from other users. More than 17 million people a month visit the site. It’s a public image archive that includes many different types of pictures. In addition to viewing the images in slideshows, users can access several other, more sophisticated tools and customization options. Image searches will be more efficient and faster thanks to Web 3.0’s implementation of Ajax and other user-friendly features.


Audius, web3 streaming platform, is a decentralized music streaming service built on the Web3 protocol and blockchain technology. It is one of the largest non-financial blockchain applications and relies on blockchain technology to protect users’ rights to their content. Due to the low transaction costs of the Solana blockchain, which power many components of Audius, creators on Audius do not have to pay anything to tokenize their content by minting NFTs.

How Web 3.0 Can Change Our Lives

With these improvements, we can more precisely define Web 3.0. In Web 3.0, computers can interpret meaning from data thanks to semantics and machine learning advancements. They can pick up on your preferences, speed up your search times, and comprehend the world’s interconnectedness.

How is Web3 changing the world?

Blockchain technology is largely responsible for this paradigm shift first there are no centralized servers on web3. Second. there is no ownership and control centralization.

What is the future of Web3?

A recent study by Market Research future suggests that by 2023, the web3.0 blockchain technology sector will be worth more than six trillion dollars.

What Is Metaverse: Use Cases And Benefits

What Is Metaverse: Use Cases And Benefit

With technological advancements, online communication has grown beyond text-based chat, including video calls. The Metaverse, the next major radical transformation, is now preparing the planet.

According to many global tech heavyweights, the Metaverse offers incredible prospects for everyone, especially for businesses. Companies naturally want to remain competitive during the digital transformation and discover fresh approaches to client engagement. It seems futuristic. Much more fascinating than you may imagine the Metaverse.

Let’s take a closer look at Web3 Wallet Development, its use cases, and its advantages before talking about its implementation, which is awaiting the widespread adoption of the technology.

What exactly is the Metaverse?

A three-dimensional virtual environment resembling our physical reality is known as the Metaverse. In the Metaverse, users can interact, connect, and engage in activities like gaming, shopping, working from home, and hanging out with friends inside a virtual world.

Newcomers to Metaverse frequently become perplexed by the following question: How can a virtually networked environment of digital things, NFTs, and physical objects like land and buildings garner so much attention? The Metaverse is considerably larger than people realise, enabling people to interact socially using virtual personas, much like they would in the real world.

How does the Metaverse affect commerce?

The Metaverse is the next generation of social media and the internet. It can duplicate the actual world utilising cutting-edge technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). As a result, Metaverse provides several business options for multinational corporations. In this sense, let’s examine the possibilities found in the Metaverse: –

  • Users can access the virtual world through Metaverse using VR, which creates new brand engagement prospects for businesses like real estate and e-commerce that must provide demo products to potential sellers.
  • In the e-commerce business framework, brands may engage with audiences worldwide.
  • There will be a digital wallet in the Metaverse to control easy transactions throughout the network.
  • Users (avatars) can navigate different projects inside the Metaverse universe thanks to interoperable Metaverse projects. They are free to go about and participate in any activities they like.
  • With 360-degree movies and 3D technologies, Metaverse elevates the idea of advertising by providing a special kind of storytelling experience for the audience.
  • We must recognize that each company will employ Metaverse technology following its unique business model and user requirements. Metaverse will be an improved form of the marketing channel that aids in increasing sales and scaling up new techniques, similar to certain businesses.

For the other group, though, the Metaverse will be essential in replacing their offline and internet storefronts with enduring 3D virtual environments. With such, they give the clients a close-to-reality experience. We need to wait a few years before realising the full potential of Metaverse to watch how businesses use it to find ground-breaking use cases.

What are the principal applications of Metaverse?

Companies are devoting a significant portion of their research and financial resources to identifying Metaverse use cases outside of social media and entertainment as the technology gains popularity on a global scale.

Let’s look more closely at the Metaverse use cases that essentially provide blockchain-based projects an edge and are equally valuable for a centralised architecture since that is the decentralised Metaverse that is the topic of this piece.

Bitcoin usage cases

Trading and exchange occur inside the Metaverse since it duplicates the physical universe. Metaverse uses cryptographic technology to control trade activity and allow users to exchange value. Metaverse may issue cryptocurrency tokens for integration into their project, depending on the ecosystem structure.

Uses for NFTs

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are essential to the growth and governance of the Metaverse since they represent actual digital ownership. NFT Game Development Company is used as collateral for some Metaverse projects, primarily the gaming sector’s in-game collectibles, one-of-a-kind gaming items, and players’ avatars. Without tokenization, it will be very difficult to determine a player’s identity and who owns the assets.

Use cases for DeFi

People in the virtual world have a similar desire to purchase virtual assets like real estate and buildings as they have in the actual world. How do you pay for it, though? Like Decentraland’s MANA, every Metaverse project has its local currency. Such cryptocurrency-backed currencies, however, cannot involve organisations like banks to control money transfers. DeFi networks expand possibilities by providing trade, lending, staking, P2P transactions, and much more in native currencies to overcome this limitation.


Major internet giants like Facebook and Microsoft established a more centralised type of Metaverse. Like today’s social media, whoever Facebook authorises to manage their Metaverse has complete control over user information and how the ecosystem functions.

We will soon live in a decentralised society where everything will be permissionless and free from intermediaries due to blockchain technology, which is currently revolutionizing numerous industries, including social media. And even while businesses may not yet fully grasp the Metaverse’s potential, a favourable transformation will be quite hampered by the continually developing use cases and the shifting environment. It will supplant the internet and other major technologies of today.


Not Receiving Emails on Gmail? 9 Fixes to Steal Right Away

Gmail is by far one of the most used email platforms of today’s time, with over 1.8 billion users across the globe, which means one of every five people out there uses this free email service for their personal and professional activities. Plus, most social media applications ask for a Gmail id to signup, making it the gateway to the social media world.

Your frustration is justified when you realize your Gmail account isn’t receiving new emails. Wouldn’t that be odd, especially with the number of applications and websites you’ve signed up using the id?

Of course, it is!

However, did you know there can be multiple reasons for not receiving emails on Gmail? The good news is that most of the issues can be fixed! In the following paragraphs, I will explain some helpful fixers in case your Gmail stops receiving emails.

Let’s get started then!

What to Do When Your Gmail Isn’t Receiving Emails?

  1. Send a Test Email

Let us start with a simple tactic: sending a test mail. Take a minute and send yourself two emails. You can send one from your Gmail id and another from any other email id, like Yahoo or Rediff. If you receive the test emails, then the emails you are not receiving may be an isolated case.

  1. Free Up Storage Space

You are not the only one guilty of hoarding messages and other media files. Plenty of us does that. However, if you can scan your inbox correctly, you will find that 65% of the emails are no longer needed.

Hoarding your inbox with large files will consume your storage space and leave no room for new emails. Hence, go through all the emails and delete the unnecessary emails and large files from your inbox and Google Drive to increase storage. If not, you can always upgrade your storage plan for more storage, which will cost you.

  1. Check Your Folders

Gmail automatically filters emails into different folders without notifying the users. This means it can send an email from a new sender to the spam folder without you knowing.

For instance, let’s say you are awaiting a response from the tutor offering computer science assignments help, but there are no updates from his/her end. It’s highly likely that Gmail marked it spam.

To sort the issue, go to ‘Spam’ in the left sidebar and check the email list to find the one you are looking for, in this case, from your tutor. Once you do, open the email and select ‘Move to inbox’ or ‘Report not spam.’

Alternatively, check your ‘All Mail’ folder. The ‘All Mail’ folder contains all the emails you receive, regardless of the folder where it’s stored. Also, don’t forget to check the ‘Trash’ folder. Sometimes you tend to delete emails accidentally.

  1. Delete Filters 

Still no luck in finding your missing emails? It’s time to check if a filter is blocking your important emails. Sometimes, users unknowingly set up a ‘filter automatically’ label on emails from a specific user, blocking emails from reaching the inbox. To remove such blockage:

  • Tap on the ‘Gear Icon’ in the top-right corner of Gmail’s desktop website and hit the ‘See all settings’ option.
  • Click on the ‘Filters and Blocked Addresses’ tab to check your Gmail filters.
  • Review the filters and delete filters if you have accidentally set them up.
  1. Review the Forwarding and POP/IMAP Settings

It’s a good idea to check the ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ settings when you are not receiving emails on your Gmail. Make sure the POP/IMAP options are enabled to ensure smooth email functioning. If POP/IMAP is disabled, select ‘Enable IMAP’ and click on ‘Save Changes to update the status.

Next, check if you have enabled the option to forward some or all emails to some other email ids. For example, we often forget about forwarding emails from a particular person to another email address. In that case, head to the ‘Forwarding and POP/IMAP’ tab and check if the forwarding option is turned on to forward a particular sender’s emails elsewhere.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection

A stable internet connection is mandatory to send and receive emails. Yes, the tip might sound silly, but sometimes we forget to do the obvious. If you are not getting any email on your Gmail, one of the chances is a poor internet connection. It could be because of bad weather or a technical glitch – whatever the reason, try to reconnect by turning off your connection and then switching it on. If the problem persists, restart your system and reset the router.

  1. Disable Firewalls

Fireballs block emails. Even downloading antivirus software on your system can stop your emails from making it to the inbox. Hence, remove the antivirus utilities from your system startup to normalize the process. To turn off your antivirus utilities:

  • Right-click the taskbar and hit on the ‘Task Manager.’
  • Hover over to the ‘Startup tab’ and right-click your antivirus on the list
  • Tap on ‘Disable.’

If you see you are getting your emails after restarting the system, the software obstructed the process while running in the background. In order to solve this issue, you can either configure the antivirus utilities’ settings or use compatible antivirus software.

  1. Update the App

Technology is fast evolving. All popular apps are regularly upgraded with the latest updates and algorithms to improve the application’s functions. Therefore, you should always update your Gmail app from time to time to avoid unintended glitches. For example, what if you need homework help urgently from your tutor? S/he won’t be able to email you the necessary study resources if your Gmail isn’t working, right?

That’s why whenever you get a notification for updating your Gmail app, do it! An outdated app will increase syncing errors, and you will lose important emails. Head to Google’s Play Store or the App Store to download the upgraded version or update the existing app.

  1. Switch to a Different Browser

If you are still not getting your emails, try a different browser. Besides Google Chrome, Gmail officially supports three other browsers: Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft Edge. Make sure you use the upgraded versions of these browsers to use Gmail seamlessly and receive your emails in the right place.

Wrapping Up

There is a good chance that you are a Gmail user, and there have been times when you missed out on your urgent emails due to a rooky setting error. Nonetheless, you can use the hacks mentioned in the list to fix your “not receiving my emails on Gmail’ issue. Cheers!

Author Bio

Andrew Robertson is a tech geek and digital marketer based in the US. He is also available at as a subject matter expert. Apart from academic queries, students can reach out to him for all kinds of queries related to technology and digital marketing. Even if the query is about a Gmail account that isn’t receiving emails, Andrew makes sure he offers the simplest solution to the problem for everyone’s easy understanding.

Starting an Ecommerce Business

When starting an ecommerce business, there are several important things that you should consider. The competitive nature of the online marketplace is one of the main factors. You should know the needs of your customers, differentiate yourself from the competition, and have an exit strategy in place. After you have chosen the niche you’ll be focusing on, you should start thinking about how to market your products. Here are some tips to get you started. This article will help you determine your ecommerce niche.

Competitiveness of ecommerce businesses

The competitiveness of ecommerce businesses is increasing along with their popularity. Regardless of the size and type of ecommerce business, the competition must be watched closely. If it’s too easy to forget about your competitors, you risk losing customers and your position in the industry. If you are able to stay ahead of the competition, you can enjoy a healthy and lucrative e-commerce market. To stay competitive, here are some tips for ecommerce business growth:

  1. Focus on niches. Try not to sell everything. Identify the products and services that your audience wants and needs. If you offer skin-care products, for example, it can be difficult to differentiate yourself from other retailers. Focus on niche products with different benefits. This will create demand. For ecommerce businesses, focusing on these factors will increase their chances of sustaining a competitive edge. If your customers are satisfied with the products and services you provide, they’ll be more willing to pay more for them.

Need to understand customer needs

Understanding your customers is an essential aspect of any business. Customers make decisions, make purchases, and experience a brand, all while interacting with the products and services you sell. By anticipating these needs, you can create new products and services and level the playing field with your competitors. The needs of your customers can be categorized by market demographics and bifurcated into two verticals: basic and advanced.

The most effective companies understand the needs of their consumers. They segment their markets by demographics, product characteristics, and so on. Consumers have jobs to do, and they seek products and services that fulfill those needs. By understanding their needs, you can better serve them, build long-term relationships, and generate a consistent revenue stream. Here are some ways to better understand your customers’ needs:

Need to stand out from the crowd

To make your ecommerce business stand out from the crowd, you need to make your products and services cutting-edge. When everyone is offering the same things, it can be difficult to distinguish yourself. If price is your only differentiation, you will be competing in a race to the bottom. Keeping up with the latest trends in ecommerce and emerging technologies will enable you to be first to market and develop new products.

Creating a brand is the most important aspect of your eCommerce business. It is more than just your logo and a company’s website design. It also encompasses the tone of voice of your marketing. Your customer’s experience is the most important factor in your brand. You have to deliver a positive experience in every step of your customer’s journey with your business. To stand out from the crowd, you need to create an authentic brand experience that customers will want to be part of.

Need to have an exit strategy

If you’ve been in the business for a while, you may be wondering why you need to have an exit strategy for your ecommerce business. After all, selling your ecommerce business isn’t as simple as posting an ad on Craigslist and hoping that someone will see it. While this is a possibility, it is far from easy and requires careful planning and time. After all, you’ve spent countless hours building your business and putting up your website and launching your products.

But, as a successful entrepreneur, you can make the most of the opportunity by planning an exit strategy in advance. A well-executed exit plan will give you the time to create your next venture, and it will leave you with the money and time to do so. You’ll be glad you made this decision in advance. And, it will ensure that your ecommerce business’s value continues to grow.

9 Newly Added Gmail Features You Should Know

Gmail had passed one billion users in 2016, thanks to the dedicated Google team members who committedly worked to improve an already-amazing platform. Did you know that Gmail is one of those email barons that roll out updates and improvements almost every month?

Well, you would know if you upgraded your Gmail account to its latest version.

The last major update was made in 2018. But before we learn about the newly installed Gmail features, let’s dive into how to access the new integrated Gmail layout features.

As a Gmail user, you won’t be able to use its new features if you have not upgraded the Gmail account manually. Luckily, upgrading the Gmail account will only require you to follow a few simple steps. Here is what you have to do:

  • Click on ‘Settings’ in the top-right side of the screen
  • Select “Try the new Gmail.”

Next, Gmail will ask you to select a pointer among “Compact,” “Default,” and “Comfortable” views. But don’t worry for you can change this default option later on from the Settings menu.

Once you do this, the Gmail layout will change in the next second. Since you have upgraded the system, your old Gmail will wear all the new designs while remaining rooted to the core functionality. If you find the new feature confusing, you can revert to the Settings menu to work with Gmail’s old version.

That brings us to the main question – What are the new features of Gmail?

  1. Hover-based email organisation

You will notice a flash of icons whenever you highlight one of the lines of your inbox as you scroll through the inbox. You will probably be familiar with these icons if you are a regular Gmail user. But if these icons are unknown to you, these icons (from left to right) are Archive, Delete, Mark as (Read or Unread), and the Snooze button (more on Snooze later).

The newly added Hover-based email organization makes these single-click functions replace the requirement to highlight every email. Also, the feature allows you to take action once highlighted.

  1. Suggested replies 

How many times has Gmail confused with the reply options? When was the last time you found yourself stuck on what to reply to an incoming email? Or do you feel that you respond with the exact words every time you receive an email? So, if your replies are getting monotonous, Gmail’s all-new “Suggested replies” option might help you out.

Where to find this new feature? You will receive relevant suggestion replies within small boxes on the lower side of every mail. This is Gmail’s way of suggesting text clips to you, prompting your response to the received email. For instance, your manager belays an instruction via email. At the bottom of the received email, you will see answers like these:

You can start an email draft with a reply by clicking on the box you would like to reply with. You can also edit the pre-structured text in a way you see fit.

  1. Hide or expand menu

The new hide or expand menu option gives Gmail users more space to read the emails in their inbox. Once you click on the Gmail app, the menu on the left-hand side appears similar to how it did previously. However, by clicking on the hamburger menu, you will find that the icon quickly collapses to a narrow column of icons, thereby increasing the inbox space for more emails.

You can hover over these icons to see the entire menu. You can additionally restore the old menu bar by clicking on the three horizontal lines on the topmost area of the screen.

  1. New display densities

Headings and display density were subject to changes in Gmail’s old version. But with new display density features, Gmail offers entirely new designs that may change your core preferences. How to do it? Head to the Settings menu, and click on the first icon on the menu list – “Display density”. You can quickly alter between Compact, Default, and Comfortable by clicking on this icon.

  1. Nudges

Nudges are all about receiving reminders for unattended emails. Nudges is a new feature added to Gmail’s feature library. For instance, you have an email in your inbox that you have not responded to in a few days. Your unresponsiveness will make Google’s algorithm think that the email warrants a response. As a response, Google moves the email to the top of your inbox along with a reminder to follow up to the message. As a Gmail user, you will welcome this handy new form of Gmail reminders.

  1. Integrate your Google Calendar

As you open the Gmail app on your device, you will find several new icons on the right-hand side of the screen, each icon representing a different feature. Each of these icons will help you perceive the meaning differently and, therefore, help you be more productive. The topmost icon on this list is the Calendar icon you can use to integrate with Google Calendar. By enabling this feature, you can view your scheduled events and add any new events at any time.

  1. Get add-ons 

You will find a “+” icon at the bottom of the list Settings menu. Click on the icon to go to the G Suite Marketplace. This icon will let you browse a list of third-party add-ons and extensions. For example, if you select a Gmail-compatible add-on, you will see its hero emerge on the right side of the bar.

  1. Protect sensitive documents and emails

Go to the Setting menu to find a newly added Gmail feature, “Confidential mode.” Click on this mode to activate it, as it will be better able to protect the most sensitive content in your mailbox. You will have to activate the protection mode by clicking on the lock-and-clock icon on the lowermost row of a new message you are composing.

When activated, the Confidential model restricts your recipients from forwarding any protected email, downloading any attachments, copying/pasting any email content, or printing anything in the email. Additionally, this feature will allow you to set an expiration date for an email. On the day the date arrives, the email will be automatically removed from your recipient’s inbox.

  1. New hovercards

Previously you could hover over a chosen contact’s email address, photo, or name and find a handful of important information on that person. With the inclusion of a range of new hover cards in Gmail, you will also find several convenient icons that allow you to email another user, start a Hangout conversation with them, and create a scheduled event with the selected contact, and video chat with them.

Parting words,

Users are feeling delighted with Gmail’s redesigned interface and newly added features. So, if you are still unaware of the features, go through this blog and learn them. The new Gmail features have already been rolled out to users. Use these features to make your mailing life more meaningful, confidential, and convenient.

Author’s Bio: Courtney Jackson holds a Ph.D. in computer science. He is actively associated with, and he offers students case study writing help.

You can start an email draft with a reply by clicking on the box you would like to reply with. You can also edit the pre-structured text in a way you see fit.

Small Business Advice: A Starter Guide to AWS

There’s still time to jump onto the cloud technology bandwagon. In fact, it has become more accessible than ever due to how the technology has evolved and the number of cloud providers available. One such provider is found in the form of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

With the mighty Amazon name behind it, it should come as no surprise that AWS is a global leader within both the Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) industries. This should also go some way to explaining why you’re exploring the possibility of using AWS and reading this guide.

If you’re looking to jump in with AWS, here’s a guide that covers this powerful – and highly beneficial – technology.

What does AWS offer?

First of all, it’s essential you gain an understanding of what AWS has to offer. Without this knowledge, you’ll be unaware of the ways in which it can help your business. Below is an overview of some of the main ways AWS is used:

  • Analytics: You can gain valuable insights into your website and business by measuring analytics. With AWS, you can track real-time analytics to gain easy, informative statistics about website activities – including who is visiting the site, where they’re from, and the interactions they’re doing when on the site.
  • Blockchain: It is possible to put together a scalable blockchain network with AWS. This technology can be used to resolve different types of customer needs, where you can keep track of application data changes and other alterations to records.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI): A range of machine learning and AI services are provided by AWS. With AI on your side, it can take care of demanding challenges for you, which also frees up time for you to work on other areas of your business.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): With AWS, you are supplied with a comprehensive set of tools to build IoT solutions. These solutions can be made for various devices, ultimately turning these into smarter devices – ones that don’t require an internet connection to use various solutions.

The benefits of AWS

For entrepreneurs that are willing to learn and adopt AWS as part of their operations, they can expect to gain various benefits for their troubles. These benefits all combine to assist your business in lowering IT costs, the ability to scale applications, and ultimately grow faster.

Here’s a quick look at the main advantages gained from AWS – particularly for beginners:

No commitment required

With other platforms, you have to put down a sizeable lump sum before you can get up and running. That isn’t the case with AWS. In fact, there is no financial commitment or requirement to sign a lengthy contract. You are simply charged by the hour based on your server-based requirements. No more or less. This means you only pay for what you receive – you won’t be overspending on additional services or storage you don’t require.

The fact there’s no commitment is also great if you test out AWS, realize it’s not for your business, and back out of using the platform. You’d only pay for the time you used AWS, whether that was just one hour, three months, or longer.

Easy to scale

The scalability of AWS services is great news for every sized business. Whether you operate a small startup or a global organization, you can instantly jump onto the AWS train. That isn’t the only advantage gained from this scalability, either. It also means you can effortlessly increase or decrease your AWS requirements.

Not only is this beneficial for any business that is steadily growing – and needs more storage and flexibility as a result – but it’s also ideal for those with fluctuating requirements over the year.

Enhanced security features

Keeping all of your data secure is imperative when working on the cloud. Fortunately, Amazon recognizes this with AWS – and that’s why it packs in a wide assortment of enhanced security features. These features include a built-in firewall, IAM services that allow for tracking user access, round-the-clock access to data experts, and multi-factor authentication.

Although even with these features, the security can still be breached if anyone in your business takes their eye off the ball. With this in mind, Sonrai Security has put together a guide that details AWS cloud security best practices. By following these tips, this further strengthens your defenses – minimizing the possibility of cyberattacks impacting your business as a result.

Customization to match all needs

Along with scalability, AWS features fantastic customization options for customers. With a range of tools and settings available to match all cloud-based requirements, the platform can be tweaked and altered to match the needs of all business types.

AWS is also known as a user-friendly cloud platform, which makes it a great solution for those starting out in the world of cloud computing.


With the Amazon brand behind it, there’s no shock that AWS is one that delivers ample reliability and support. Due to the experts working behind the scenes, you won’t have any issue receiving assistance whenever necessary. You can also be safe in the knowledge you’ll always have reliable, secure connections to your data.

As a newcomer to AWS, it’s likely you will hit a few bumps along the way. When you do need help, and you cannot find an answer after a quick Google search, you can get in touch with the AWS team. They’ll be able to guide you through any issues and get you back on track as soon as possible.

In conclusion

Cloud technology can be intimidating for newcomers, and AWS doesn’t escape from that general feeling. However, it is also undoubtedly one of the most accessible cloud computing services on the market today, making it an excellent choice for those starting their cloud adventure.

With robust features and impeccable service, this Amazon vehicle can transport your business to the next level. It allows you to scale effortlessly, reduce costs, and make your company much more productive.

The importance of Emergency Power to Fire Smoke Dampers?

Fire dampers are a necessary component of any building fire safety program. When there is a fire-resistant wall in the property, these are often ducting fittings. Ducting vents can serve as a means of allowing fire and smoke to escape between rooms. To prevent this, fire dampers have been installed on ducting vents.

The metal used in fire dampers is galvanized steel and comes in vertical or horizontal varieties, depending on how it shuts the ducting closed. Each style is suited for a particular purpose. It will form a hermetic barrier that prevents fire and smoke from spreading throughout the compartment.

A working fire damper is necessary for a fire barrier to be effective. Heat, melting a fusible link, will usually set off mechanical fire dampers. Smoke sensors in motorized fire and smoke dampers activate the damper to close when smoke is detected. If linked, they will most likely also include the ability to control them via an external control panel or a fire alarm system.

What happens when a fire Damper Fails

Dampers are used to keep a fire barrier in place, which prevents flames and smoke from crossing. If the damper does not completely close during an emergency, the barrier will be ineffective. Flames and smoke would then flow between fire compartments. If the damper performs as planned, it will ensure that everyone has enough time to evacuate safely. If it fails, lives as well as property, are at risk.

Is Emergency Power Required?

If the power supply to the fire and smoke dampers fails following a power lines failure, other alternatives will need to be in place to ensure that fire and smoke ducts operate as intended. There are several various solutions for fire dampers. In some areas, you can install hard-wired solutions with programmed solutions in others. Fire dampers that are hard-wired will work on their own without depending on any signals from sensors. Programmable fire dampers may be controlled from a distance and can be linked so that the procedure is completely automated.

So, what happens in the event of a fire or power outage?

A fusible link is required in fire dampers that operate without the need of sensors or circuits. This connection will melt due to the heat if a fire occurs. The temperature of this substance will generally be around 72 degrees Celsius. As a result, the fire damper will be activated and the duct will be sealed.

Whatever system you pick, you must be sure that your fire dampers will function in the case of a fire or an electrical outage. In most cases, alternative power is not required in the United Kingdom.

A fire protection system should include a detailed explanation of how your particular system will respond in the case of a fire. In most situations, motorized/actuator-driven dampers would shut if the power supply goes out. This built-in fail-safe feature ensures that they don’t require an emergency power source or battery backup. If there is a power outage, this safeguard is an important component of your fire prevention strategy.

Regular Maintenance Is Essential

Fire dampers must be tested at least once a year, according to BS 9999:2017. All fire dampers should have arrangements made for testing at regular intervals by a competent person after installation, and at least yearly afterwards. Any flaws that occur should be immediately fixed or replaced, with the repairs or replacements then verified to be effective.

We offer a comprehensive fire damper testing service at ECS Yorkshire. We’ll make sure that your fire and smoke dampers are in good working order and can continue to function in the case of a power outage. For further information, take a look at our website.





The past decade has witnessed a significant change in the space industry, with the advent of what is sometimes referred to as “New Space.” This method of satellite deployment differs from previous methods in that it uses the miniaturisation of electronics to create smaller, more capable spacecraft that can be launched in greater numbers and at a reduced cost.

At the same time, there has been a surge in potential uses for data collected from space and services delivered from space, such as satellite communications or Earth observations. New Space technology has been perfectly positioned to meet these demands, with a faster time to market than traditional spacecraft.

A CubeSat is a type of tiny satellite that has grown in popularity due to well-defined standards, which aim to reduce expenses and development time. The CubeSat standard was created by California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly) and Stanford University, with the primary goal of scientific research and exploration of new space technologies. CubeSats have made their way into business projects and are now viewed as one of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to demonstrate space technologies or provide a service from space.


The CubeSats must adhere to the specifications defined in the CubeSat specification, which was released by Cal Poly. They are comprised of 10x10x10cm modules (also known as 1U size) and demand no more than 1.33kg each. They frequently employ off-the-shelf components to save money, which might include electronics, subsystems, and even software. CubeSats come in a variety of sizes, including 1U, 2U, 3U, 6U+, to allow for more functions and intricate technology.


One of the main benefits of a CubeSat is its quick development and launch timeline. A CubeSat might be developed, tested, and launched in as little as 9 months, but it usually takes 18 to 24 months to finish because

The rapid development of complex yet dependable spacecraft at a low cost and within time constraints is possible thanks to the wide utilization of off-the-shelf components for electronics and subsystems, which is one of the basic principles behind CubeSat mission creation. It enables CubeSats to create sophisticated yet operational spacecraft in a short amount of time with minimal investment.

The spacecraft combat software may also be an off-the-shelf component in the construction of CubeSats. In order to make it available early in the design process for rigorous testing and successful integration, like other subsystems, flight software may also be readily accessible.

Our own FSDK (Flight Software Development Kit) is a good example of off-the-shelf spacecraft flight software. Using our huge library of pre-validated and configurable off-the-shelf components, developers can quickly construct their own unique mission software package using our FSDK (Flight Software Development Kit).


Despite the fact that the worldwide CubeSat market is currently booming, one factor is consistently true: reduced expenditures and quick space mission creation might lead to more failures. Because there are no practical ways for engineers to access the CubeSat to resolve any potential problems once in orbit, it must operate without fault. To enhance dependability, rigorous testing and sturdy components may be beneficial.

Software for a CubeSat is like the “glue” that binds all of its component systems together, and getting it right is essential to keeping the spacecraft reliable. To allow for rigorous testing and sensible integration, the flight software package must be simple and effective so that it can be used early in the space mission’s development process and adaptable to meet any changes in requirements.


The increasing availability of mass-market components, as well as standardisation and wide use of off-the-shelf components, allows developers to control costs while keeping prices constant and reducing the need for special talents and resources.

Developers want to guarantee that the spacecraft flight software package may be developed quickly and without the need for special talents, so most of their time is spent on the unique components of the mission.

The FSDK was created to make it simple and easy for developers to create software products quickly. It’s also an open system, so it may be readily expanded to utilize new subsystems, hardware, and software components. This implies that it grants access to the best available and most cost-effective off-the-shelf components on the market.


As of April 4, 2021, 1553 CubeSats have been sent into orbit and it is expected that over 2500 CubeSats will be deployed in the next six years! Such a highly competitive market may make entry difficult for newcomers.

The techniques outlined in this post can help you supplement your current space experience with unique, entertaining, and informative activities to ensure that your child has a fun-filled day.

At Bright Ascension, our goal is to push the boundaries of innovation. We provide a one-of-a-kind and innovative approach to spacecraft flight software development for rapid, cost-effective and efficient CubeSat mission creation and management.

Our product overview section goes into greater depth on the technology that underlies our services, as well as why CubeSats are ideal for space missions. Alternatively, book a demo or try us out today.



The challenges faced by the hybrid cloud computing

A hybrid cloud infrastructure will include public clouds, on-premises computing and private clouds in the data. There are many benefits of the hybrid cloud, and it supports fast-moving digital business transformation. Students in the digital age are focused to learn more about cloud computing. When they need any help concerning computer science assignments help, they look for online tools. 

Many experts are helping students with programming homework help.

Technology management in an organisation runs under two agendas one is the IT plan, and the second is business transformation. A hybrid cloud is known to be agile, and one must adapt quickly to gain a competitive advantage.

There can be several advantages and disadvantages of the public cloud. Its scalability both up and down is almost unlimited due to the on-demand 

cloud resources. There is a lower capital expenditure, and the services can be distributed across multiple data centres. There can be less control over data security.

When cloud infrastructure is set up for an enterprise, it is done in a private cloud. Private clouds are better suited for processing and storing sensitive data when security is concerned.

There is greater control over customisation, and it must fit the enterprise’s preferences. A private cloud is flexible and non-sensitive data can easily move quickly to the public cloud. 

Challenges faced in hybrid computing 

  • It is seen that not everything can pertain to the public cloud. That is the reason companies are choosing hybrid mixtures of cloud services. One can take advantage of the existing architecture as a hybrid cloud is known to offer the benefits of both the public and private clouds. Interoperation of applications and components is possible in a hybrid approach. It takes advantage of the existing architecture.

Hybrid multi-cloud is the new trend in IT, and there are several integrated on and off-premises cloud services. In an enterprise company, government organisation or an educational institution, the proportion is expected to increase. 

As per a study, the figure is expected to go higher. We can assume that IT is moving towards a distributed environment. There might be never-seen-before complexities. The problems are needed to be addressed on time as they might affect the company’s performance. Several common and uncommon challenges affect hybrid cloud deployment.


It might be time-consuming to move to a hybrid cloud system from a private or public cloud infrastructure or an in-house data centre. It is expected that the workload must be portable and work across several on-premises frameworks. Integrating different cloud brands and providers into a centrally managed hybrid cloud can be complex.

Cloud governance 

In an IT governance, one is required to standardise the processes. Oversight and direction are essential regardless of the private or public cloud system. It gets complex to manage in a hybrid cloud the many complex systems.

Cloud governance was a challenge for many due to the multi-cloud strategy. Many cloud management platforms enable the single-console monitoring and management of data, security, policy and implementation. They also offer cross-management of public and private clouds. There is an abstract layer between the admin user and the storage and networking services in a hybrid cloud platform.

Managing cloud provisioning 

A cloud provider’s resources and services can include the infrastructure as a service (PaaS) and a platform as a service (PaaS). There is also a desktop service called the DaaS.

In a hybrid cloud system, one of the two provisions can be used. A cloud bursting happens when the deployment is scaling up. This should match up the demand and manage the spikes and dips in usage. The billing is based on a pay-per-use basis. 

Handling security concerns 

In a hybrid cloud, complexity security can be a significant concern. The weakest link might be the public clouds when the security is API driven. The developers must be familiar with the proper client-specific security practices and implementations.

In a public cloud provider’s service level agreement or the SLA, conditions, guarantees, and terms of the service regarding system uptime and data availability are mentioned. The IT, along with the legal department, has to review. A compromised data or lost transaction will lead to a tarnished brand reputation.

In a multi-cloud environment, the risks are expected to be amplified, so the hybrid cloud deployment needs to check these. It must be seen from three viewpoints: visibility, control, and optimisation.

The critical data is securely hosted in a private environment in the enterprise environment. There must be huge computing resources to support the resource-intensive applications and workloads. There can also be different security challenges.

In a workplace, the employees can avail the customer data from the private cloud or from the data centre. 

The devices they use can cause risk as they might be connected to other networks that might not be secured. Identifying the threats is a tricky thing at each point in time.

Storage of sensitive data

In a large organisation, hybrid cloud deployment can be a significant concern. Regulating the use and storage of sensitive customer data is a prime concern for many companies. In addition, it might need additional tools, resources and training for IT professionals. Tech re-skilling can also be required for further hybrid implementation.

Organisational policies need to be constantly upgraded. The data storage and security affect availability, capacity, cost and disaster recovery.

Companies always prefer the hybrid model and ensure that providers have the necessary certification and policies in sync with the latest regulations.

Deciding the cost 

IT cost might possess infrastructure management challenges. This can include cloud computing or on-premises data centres. When we move from the private cloud, the cost gets reduced, and it must be correctly placed.

Author Bio

Jennifer Margret is a research analyst at the University of Perth. She is also a part of and supports students in achieving their academic goals. In her free time, she likes to swim and go hiking.