Want to clear NEET? Read these tips

Long before the existence of the NEET exam, it was just that a good score from 12th grade would make a biology student eligible to attend medical counselling. However, as time moved on it is now that to be eligible to become a medical aspirant it is compulsory to appear in a competitive entrance exam which is popularly known as NEET. It is now through this National level entrance test that students are made eligible to become medical students. Further, this NEET exam being a national level exam is not a small task to pass through. With thousands of people appearing from all over India, this is considered to be one of the toughest exams. Also to appear in NEET a student has to have at least some knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology of class 11 and 12 levels plus some advanced learning as well. Hence from all these, we can understand the importance as well as the toughness of the exam. It is for these reasons there are various coaching classes, online courses present to help students to crack this exam. However, here are some tips using which a student apart from regular learning make use of to clear NEET. They are:

  1. Familiarity with the content: This is as usual the most primitive thing in any type of competitive exam. The student appearing for the exam must be aware of what is the syllabus that he needs to learn through the preparation period also prepare Important Questions of The Living World for NEET Biology.

2. Quality Study Material: Similar to that of the previous point there will be a vastness in the availability of the material as well as the syllabus is vast. However, a student or his/her mentor must bend good quality study material or key materials to make the preparation simple. If a student is not able to narrow down his content or the study material then it would h for him or her to cover a good portion of the syllabus in the given time. So both these points at times go hand in hand and must be kept in mind.

3. Clarity learning: This is one common point in any type of entrance or competitive exam. Without understanding the concepts, methods or ways to do things it will not be possible for one to crack these exams. This means that instead of mugging up and cramming the subjects it is important that a student makes sure he or she understands the concepts, learns the basics etc. This will not just make the learning easy but also will help during the exam to solve the questions in a familiarly simple way. 

4. Practice and Revision: Again nothing can make things better than an ample amount of practice along with repeated dosing of the same. This means that one has to make sure that they try practising different concepts and different questions. Apart from doing practice, they should also have revision sessions to make sure they have learnt things thoroughly. Hence this is a key step that every student must follow.

5. Preparation of notes: Preparing one’s notes and going through these notes alongside the learning process is very helpful in terms of competitive exams. This is because the subjects and portions are very vast in size. With the preparation of this note, a student will be able to understand things in a better manner, produce them in his or her own words and also make learning simple.

6. Equilibrium between coaching and self-learning: As said earlier it is usually that students tend to join coaching centres to prepare themselves for competitive exams. However, it is just that these coaching centres act as a pathfinder for these students thereby showing certain shortcuts and other things. However, these students must make sure they have to do self-study as well. The actual learning process is completed only after the students study these things themselves. Hence they must make sure there is a proper balance between both factors. 

7. Strategy and Time table: This comes as an intermediate factor. A student must make sure he has a strategy on how to study, what to study and when to study. This means that learning should be taken as a process and should be made sure that they happen gradually in a stepwise manner. Therefore there must be a strategy and timetable.

8. Mock Test and Guidance: Competitive tests as a whole can be passed through only when a student has a clear understanding of what they do and where they stand. Hence they must do online or offline mock tests in regular intervals to make sure they have a self-analysis. Further, they must make sure they get to know things e as well as get guidance in real life. For example, important questions of the living world for NEET biology are good material to learn things. These things will be a turning point for the students as they will get ample experience and exposure to the outside world.

9. Exam day ready: This as always is the last tip a student must remember which is to be exam day ready. This means that there must be no commotion on the final days of the examination. In other words, students must make sure they are physically and mentally fit to appear for exams. They must be free from stress, pressure and other things.

Therefore, following the above tips will not just make it easier or simply, rather it would be even possible for the students to clear any other competitive exams. 

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