How can I best prepare for my final examinations?

Is your examination date nearby? Are you facing unnecessary fears before your date arrives? Then you need to calm down first and prepare yourself to score in your test. You see, examinations only test you about what you know.

You see, most youngsters face the fear of exams. Even those who study throughout the year tend to forget what they learned when they sit before their paper.

So, now you might wonder – how can I prepare for my final examination? We shall address this issue with tips for study help in this post. Are you ready?

Simple steps to prepare for my end exams

Did you hear the saying – “time and tide wait for none”? Well, time never waits for anyone. So, try to make its best use when it’s available to you. Always start to prepare early. The more you delay, the more you will suffer.

We shall discuss how you can prepare yourself for your final examination in the following points.

  1. Calm down – The first thing you need to do is calm down. The more you panic, the more you get stressed. You see, overthinking will not do you much good. It will make things worse for you. Take a deep breath, relax and think your way through the situation.
  1. Focus – Once you are relaxed, try to concentrate on your studies. Please focus on the subject, its chapters, and the discussing topics. The more you can focus, the faster you can complete your syllabus.
  2. Follow a plan – Before you begin to study, make a plan that you will follow. It will help you not just to remember but also to complete your syllabus on time.
  3. Take short notes – Do you have a habit of taking notes? If not, then start taking self-notes on your personal study time. First, read the subject matter along with the details. Next, divide them into different points. Then, write them down in a notebook by placing the various sections into different categories.
  4. Refer to your notes on studying – When you are reading your book, use your notes as a reference. Remember, your notes should serve you to remember the main points. Then, when you can recall the core segments, you can remember what you learned and get good grades.
  1. Be specific – When you prepare for your exam, identify the portions in your exams. Then, start studying it. After that, you can move with the other secondary parts.

The method of note-making

Now that you know you should take notes, the next question in your mind is – how do I take notes? Where do I even begin?

Well, you see, you can take notes any way you want, that can serve your purpose. But, you can also follow an order such as:

  1. Divide the paragraphs into separate sections – If you have trouble reading an entire paragraph, try to divide it into different small sections. Make sure there remains a rational link between the divisions.
  2. Use those sections to make concise points – Once the paragraph is divided, you can use those segregated sections as the “points” for your notes. First, read the lines and identify the message each conveys to you. Then, write them down as unique points.
  3. Elaborate those short points if possible – When you go through those points, you can add a sentence or two to some of them. It will help you to remember the complex parts of your subject.
  4. Use a dictionary if necessary – Well, there are times when you come through new words or phrases. What do you do then? You can use a dictionary to understand the meaning. You can also write down the meaning beside that word or phrase. It will help you.

In this way, your notes will be concise and to-the-point. You can use them to recall what you had learned in the past and score better in your final exams.

Pictorial presentations and flowcharts

You can also use pictorial presentations and flowcharts if they help you to remember. A visual representation uses a rough sketch that includes words and some drawings. A flowchart contains different shapes that have words and are linked with one another.

They can be handy, and you can recall the information when you look at them.

  1. Revise often –You need to revise your subjects frequently since your exams are drawing near. Use your short notes as they will help you in your preparation.
  2. Refer to your charts – If you have made your flowcharts or pictorial graphs, you can use them to recall and remember what you learned.
  3. Avoid the temptation of stressing out – Stress can be your worst enemy when you revise your studies. Try to relax and do not stress out. Remember, the more you worry, the more you will forget.
  4. Take sufficient rest – You need to take adequate rest when your exams draw near. Try to have a deep and healthy sleep. A good rest will refresh you and help you to think better.
  5. Eat healthily – The closer your exams are drawing near, the less you need to consume junk foods. You see, the food you eat affects the way you think. While consuming fiber can freshen up your mind and help you think better, eating fats and oils will make you lazy and sleepy.
  6. Exercise – There is no substitute for rigorous physical exercise. You never know when your “sweat” can bring you “success.” However, physical activity will help you refresh your mind and enable you to concentrate on your studies. Try to spend at least an hour or two in your exercise.
  7. Short breaks are necessary – Try to take a short break after every two hours. If you keep studying for a long time, you will become bored, and you cannot concentrate. A fifteen to twenty-minute short break will fix that problem.

Your final exam is vital, and you must not be lenient or casual towards it. Try to give your best efforts by doing what is necessary. If you have loads of homework, seek writing help to complete them while you spend time studying. You should learn to plan.


Final exams can be scary for most students. Even pupils who achieve good academic grades go through such experiences. The best thing you can do is not be afraid. Learn to stay calm and continue your preparation. In the end, you can only write what you have studied and remembered. Your fear will only deprive you of your memory. Follow your notes as they can help you to remember better. You can also color various sections of your texts to remember the main points.

Author Bio

Indiana Fiona is a Spanish writer who guides students struggling with anxiety issues. She works at the Escuela para la Formacion de Jovenes Estudiantes with to help them in their final exams. In addition, Fiona is passionate about traveling and loves to relish continental dishes worldwide.

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