Top 10 Ways to Produce a Standout Research Paper

Research papers come in many shapes and forms. From dissertations to case studies, there are at least five variants of research papers, each having certain key attributes and applications across the realm of academics. Having said that, there are a few things in common. For example, the task of adding references and framing up the bibliography section is common across all forms of research paper. 

On the other hand, the process of topic selection and development is equally common among all research papers. There are other areas of concern as well. So, unless you are fully aware of each of those tips and tricks of research paper writing, you cannot add academic excellence to the scholarly work. 

Now that you need research paper writing help, invest some time in reading this insightful blog and know how to go about research papers flawlessly and make a striking impression on your professor. 

Happy reading! 

Develop the topic thoroughly 

Research topic development is “the” most important thing to consider if you wish to add excellence to the paper down the line. A thoroughly develop research paper topic will not only help you tread in the direction, but it shall also allow you to come up with referential accuracies. 

So, follow these suggestions and know how to select and develop research paper topics with precision. 

  • Lay focus on your academic inclinations and shortlist a couple of research slants you will be interested in dissecting further. 
  • Now, pick a topic you think you can go about and evaluate its key components, research scopes and avenues. 
  • Once you are done with the preliminary essentiality, move on to the aspect of deciding on the research methodology. 
  • Evaluate the scopes of research thoroughly and figure out whether you need to conduct empirical or non-empirical research. 

And now, you are good to go. Prepare a research outline, jot down the points you would like to cover, the references you would draw and the end goals you would accomplish. 

Create a strong research outline 

As mentioned earlier, a strong research outline is a quintessential aspect to acknowledge when it comes to landing a perfectly flawless research paper. So, pay heed to the following points and come up with the best outline for your research work. 

  • Jot down how you wish to initiate the research paper in the first place. 
  • List out the problems or limitations associated with the research topic. 
  • Point out the scopes and referential dimensions you will be exploring. 
  • Now, mention the end goals you will be accomplishing. 
  • Also, plan and jot down the approach or the stances you would take to conclude the research paper. 

Based on each of the aforementioned evaluation and analytical insights, proceed with the final draft accordingly. 

 Be careful with the task of referencing 

You cannot expect to add excellence to a research paper without being careful with the task of adding relevant references and acknowledging the same. Referencing plays a crucial role in every research paper. So, apply the following tips and never miss out on producing referentially enriched research papers. 

  • Focus on the referential data you have accumulated. 
  • Make a list of case study components that can be used as part of in-texting. 
  • Acknowledge each source and externally referred works by mentioning authors’ names, book/chapter/journal names, place and date of publication and the likes. 
  • If you are asked to abide by a particular referencing convention, then stick to it, observe its norms and go about the citation part accordingly. 
  • Do not just copy ideas or pick random information just for the sake of a quick argument. 
  • Rather, make it a point to extract genuine information from trusted platforms such as Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar and ResearchGate.

You just need to follow the strategies and suggestions as mentioned above. Voila! You can easily avoid being vulnerable to the potential risks of committing plagiarism. 

Do not just rely on textbook extracts 

Reading through textbooks, picking slants and relying on a couple of research theories are undeniably crucial. But you cannot go with only a handful of bookish information and be done with it. Research papers demand extensive knowledge, the latest outlook and a lot more. 

Simply pay heed to the following suggestions and know how to make research papers informative and analytically enriched. 

  • Keep your eyes on the latest journals, read the latest blogs on your research topic and take note of what you would find there. 
  • Conduct a couple of ground researches as well. You can probably visit places or meet people and keep records of live interview clips. 
  • Also, you can tread beyond the conventional methods and focus on a couple of alternative theories as well. 

Each of these practices will allow you to evolve as a critical thinker and come up with uniquely drafted research papers across all topics under the sun. 

Come up with concise and compelling introduction 

Quite similar to other assignments, research paper calls for the perfect start in the form of a concisely drafted and compelling introduction. Here what you need to follow to initiate your research paper with a bang. 

  • Stick to the point, focus on the primary context of the discussion and come up with short and generic background history of the subject matter. 
  • Do not sound argumentative or way too contradictory right at the very beginning of the paper.
  • Instead, keep things precise yet informative and talk about the end goals you would like to accomplish. 
  • Give your readers a brief idea of the topic you will be dissecting further and mention a couple of limitations you might have spotted. 

Keep the sentences short, use simple word and terminologies and watch your readers gaining interest in proceeding with the research paper further. 

Make the main body paragraphs informative

The main body paragraph in a research paper is your playground. You can do a lot of things here. From adding relevant references to initiating a new argument and defying all contradictions, there are too many aspects to acknowledge. Here’s what you can do to make the main body paragraphs insightful and referentially enriched. 

  • Almost every research paper comprises a three-fold body paragraph. 
  • So, you can begin with a generic standpoint in the first paragraph. 
  • Now, come down to the next paragraph and include a couple of questions or argumentative slants. 
  • Make sure to have enough information in the form of stats and figures to back your claims or a notion you wish others to believe. 
  • Now, move on to the third body paragraph and define why you think your theory or revelations are good to go with. 
  • Well, you have to be careful here. Do not come up with slants or points of arguments that are baseless or lack academic validation. 
  • There is no point vouching on a point that lacks relevance and strong grounds for constructive argument. 

So, refer to these recommendations, accumulate all points of references and proceed your next research paper with confidence. 

Do not contradict your own standpoints 

Research papers are generally convoluted and lengthy in nature. This is the reason why there is a high probability for students losing track of what they initiated, went about and aimed. You cannot afford to self-contradict. This will only lead you to face rejections. Moreover, people will not take your words and opinions seriously. 

So, follow the suggestions mentioned below and come up with an analytically transparent and strong research paper. 

  • If you fear that you might miss out on things, then maintain a sticky note of the key pointers you would include in the paper and proceed accordingly. 
  • Take note of and update each and every relevant information you would come across. 
  • You can refer back to from time to time and continue with the final draft without confusions. 
  • That way, you can always stay on the safer side and avoid the risk of contradicting your standpoints throughout the paper. 
  • Also, make sure to stick to a particular research methodology instead of switching between two different approaches. 
  • If you are supposed to abide by the rules of empirical research and stick to it and in case you would follow the non-empirical approach, then do not change your mind further. 

Remember, people refer to research papers for relevant and solid pieces of information. Any form of contradiction or misinformation will simply ruin all efforts. 

Make the concluding notes equally compelling 

Quite similar to the introductory note, the concluding part of a research paper should be compelling enough. In addition, the target audience should take home something productive and insightful. Here are some suggestions to will help you to frame conclusions in the right manner. 

  • Add key takeaways and try to establish a strong correlation between the thesis statement and the main body paragraphs 
  • Restate the points of references and explain why you think the solution you have derived is valid. 
  • Also, add a couple of more research avenues and suggest your readers to explore the same. 

The idea is to make your research paper interactive for the readers. It should be something worth remembering and referring back at. 

Focus on power words and phrases 

The primary purpose of a research paper is to put across a compelling message and prove strong grounds. So, you should focus on each of the following power words and use them while going about the final draft. 

  • Unprecedented
  • Amazing 
  • Convincingly 
  • Deliberately 
  • Apparently 
  • Remarkable 
  • Outstanding 
  • Miraculous 
  • Validated 

Revise your research paper thoroughly 

Lastly, you should take enough time to revise the entire paper. Here are the criticalities you should acknowledge. 

  • Keep an eye for silly grammatical mistakes such as subject verb disagreement, misplaced pronouns and adjectives and the likes. 
  • Also, look for other critical errors such as overly lengthy sentences, wrong choice of words, wrong acknowledgement and the likes. 
  • Do not end up mistyping a word or conveying the wrong meaning of a word or phrase. 

To End With, 

Let me feel safe to assume that you are now well aware of the nitty-gritty elements of perfecting a research paper. So, refer to this blog on the go and never miss a chance to make a striking impression on your professor. 

Good luck! 

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