What Are The Odd Numbers? Define

The concept of numbers is a crucial element of human life. They are utilized in various forms to perform tasks like counting the number of days a calendar year or the number of states within the country, the number of family members or the number of children playing, etc. Odd numbers are one type of number that is not divided by two. 

Odd numbers aren’t able to split into two distinct numbers. Some examples of such odd numbers are the numbers 1,3, 5, 7, and so on. Odd numbers are non-multiple of two. There is no limit to the number. 

They can be endless. You’ll find this article helpful about odd numbers definition and get all the information about how to define it, the examples of types of numbers, etc. 

What are Even and Odd Numbers?

Any number that (natural number, integer, or whole number) cannot be divided by 2 is known as the odd number. If we divide the odd number by two, it will always leave the remainder at 1. Examples of odd numbers include 11,173,107,979 etc. Odd numbers end with numbers 1,3,5,7 and 9.

Every number which is divided by two without leaving any leftover is known as an even number. Examples of even numbers: 2,72,422,382,72,422,38 etc. Even numbers are rounded off with the numbers 0,2,4,60, and 8.

It is easier to understand the idea of odd and even numbers using the flowchart.

Odd and even numbers are both available in both directions of the line. This means that odd and even numbers can be both negative and positive. On the right-hand side of the line, all numbers that start at 0 are positive even numbers. 

Every alternative number starting from 1 is a negative odd number. Similar to the left end of the line, each alternative number starting from 0 is a negative even number. Likewise, every alternative number between -1 and -1 are negative odd numbers.

What is an Odd Number?

An odd number is described as the one that isn’t divisible by two. If you divide an odd-looking number in two, it always leaves one remaining number, always 1. Positive odd numbers begin by 1, i.e. it is the initial positive odd figure. Any alternative number between 1 is an odd number. It’s not the multiple of two.

What are the Formulae for Odd and Even Numbers?

The formula for odd Numbers 2n+1 with the n∈Z(Whole numbers)

Formula to calculate Even Numbers 2n, where the n∈ZnZ (Whole numbers)

How to Identify Odd Numbers?

The numbers that end with (or units placed) the numbers 1,3,5,7, and 9 are odd.

Example: 11, 233, 5735, 9819, etc.

Since the number 233 is a number that ends with the number three (odd number), 233 is an odd number.

  • Hundreds: 2
  • Tens: 3
  • Units: 3

The even numbers finish with 0,2,4,6 or 8. Yet an odd number closes with 1,3,5,7 or 9.

Here’s an easy example of it:

The year 1892 (ends by an odd number) 1898 (ends by an odd number)

What are the Basic Properties of Odd Numbers?

Following are the properties of odd numbers:

Properties of addition: We will get an even number if we add two numbers in an odd order.

Example: 3+5=8

Properties of Subtraction When we subtract the odd two numbers, we get one even amount.

Example: 99-11=88

Properties of Multiplication: By multiplying two odd numbers, we will get the odd numbers.

Example: 5×3=15

Property of Division of Two Odd Numbers

As you can see, there are some methods to determine the outcome after subtraction, addition, and multiplication for two odd numbers, two odd numbers, or an odd number and an even number. In all instances, the result is returned by way of an integer.

After dividing any number by another number (even or odd), the result could be a fraction. At the same time, the fraction is not an odd or even number. Therefore, they aren’t full numbers, either.

One example: it is impossible to declare 210 to be an odd or even number. (though the numbers 2 and 10 counts as even numbers).

Example 2: We cannot declare that 315’s an odd or an even one either. (though three and fifteen seem odd.)

The terms ‘even number’ and “odd number” are used to refer to whole numbers. A division between two odd numbers can be considered an odd number (it is possible) only when it is the numerator that’s a function in the numerator.


In the simplest form:

Odd + OddEven
Odd – OddEven
Odd x OddOdd

What are the Types of Odd Numbers?

The numbers that do not fall within the multiplication of 2 are odd. Odd numbers are extensive. However, let us focus on two kinds of numbers with odd patterns.

1. Consecutive odd numbers: If that (n) is an odd number and the numbers nn, n+2 are classified under the category of odd numbers that occur consecutively.

Example: If 5. (the value of the number n) can be described as an odd number, 5 is an odd number, then n+2=5+2=7 is the answer.

So the numbers 5 and 7 represent both consecutive odd numbers.

2. Odd composite numbers. These kinds of numbers are made from the combination of two negative odd numbers (excluding one). This list contains composite odd numbers ranging from 1 to 100 are listed below.


Solved Examples – Odd Numbers

Question 1: Explain why 67002 is an odd number or an even number?

Answer: Because the 67002 number ends with the digit 2, it’s an even number.

Question 2: Describe 9577 as an odd or even number?

Answer: Because the number 9577 is rounded off with the number 7, it’s an odd number.

Question 3: If we divide 345671 by two, what will be the remaining?

Answer: As the first digit of 345671 is 3, which makes it an odd number, you find the remainder as 1 . When we divide odd numbers by two, the result will always be 1.


The notion of numbers is huge. In this article, we’ve focused on the idea of odd numbers and some concepts related to even numbers related to strange numbers. The specifics covered include the definition of an odd number listing and the identification for odd and even number, a formula to determine odd numbers, even numbers, and their characteristics.

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