The 5 Biggest Technology Trends In 2021 | Get Ready

The progress of technologies has always been the main indicator of development for civilizations. Throughout tens of thousands of years, humanity has been thinking, inventing, trying, and improving what it’s got. Since the first lance and bow helped our ancestors to hunt and protect themselves, and till the latest engineering solutions as smartphones, space satellites, and huge planetary telescopes, the human mind has been adapting to the reality around it to keep moving forward.

The year 2021 is full of new challenges, as always. The coronavirus pandemic was a worldwide emergency factor that made everyone react. Technological progress is on its another spin in response to new threats. Five solutions below changed or are changing the current reality to help humankind make it through tough times again. And that’s why these technologies are top in 2021.

Solid-State Lithium-Metal Batteries

An electric accumulator of large capacity that is still light and transportable has been remaining a long-term dream concept for many engineers on the planet. Have you ever thought about why electric vehicles didn’t dominate ICE-based ones on the market yet? It’s because of their batteries.

Although the price of an electric car is relatively high, it still can’t offer you the possibility to cover more than several hundred miles of distance without recharging its battery. The charging procedure takes much more time than that of regular refueling of petrol vehicles.

The disadvantages of electric vehicles all come from their lithium-ion accumulators. However, the QuantumScape startup company from Silicon Valley seems to have a battery that might turn e-cars into much more attractive options for mass markets.

Their new accumulator is based on solid-state lithium-metal batteries. It can increase the electric vehicle’s charge range by up to 80%. Additionally, the recharging time will be reduced too.

The company has an agreement with Volkswagen already. According to it, cars with new accumulators will come to the market by 2025. If everything goes as planned, the solid-state lithium-metal battery technology will change the reality we know forever. That could be a good topic for an engineering essay, couldn’t it? Consider checking the link if you need academic assistance.

Multi-Skilled AI

AI should worry skilled knowledge workers too

The AI made huge progress in recent years, and the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak showed the advantages of robots and AI-guided systems in a time of crisis pretty well. However, any AI solution, including neuron networks and robots, is still… dumb.

The situation for most solutions becomes especially spectacular when it comes to the need to solve new problems and navigate through unknown places. Simply put, a modern AI can’t replace professional writers at and similar services because it lacks cognitive abilities that human beings have “built-in” since early childhood. It just can’t learn effectively enough so far.

So, one of the promising approaches towards the next evolutionary improvement of artificial intelligence is to “expand” its feelings. Currently, an AI able to recognize sounds or having a digital vision can “feel” things but not “speak” about what it hears or sees through the use of any language. Still, modern AI solutions are bound to get improved pretty soon because the potential economic effects of their implementation would be really huge.

Personal Data Protection

Let’s be honest: tech companies are bad at storing the private info of their clients. You can’t even try counting how many times cybercriminals already stole, hacked, sold and resold your sensitive data. Protection measures are not effective, even despite billions of dollars invested every year to prevent hijacking.

However, what if the confidentiality model itself is a problem? It might be not the user’s fault. In case a person themselves won’t have to keep the main part of the responsibility for their confidentiality and its protection, there would be much fewer problems.

Let’s be honest: tech companies are bad at storing the private info of their clients. You can’t even try counting how many times cybercriminals already stole, hacked, sold and resold your sensitive data. Protection measures are not effective, even despite billions of dollars invested every year to prevent hijacking.

However, what if the confidentiality model itself is a problem? It might be not the user’s fault. In case a person themselves won’t have to keep the main part of the responsibility for their confidentiality and its protection, there would be much fewer problems. The alternative approach was offered: the Data Trusts model. Particular governments started reviewing it already. What’s it about?

The Data Trust concept supposes a particular legal entity to arise. That entity will be responsible for collecting and managing the personal data of people. Although the functions and shapes of data trusts are to be negotiated, the concept itself is certainly worth attention. It offers potential solutions to old confidentiality and safety troubles affecting both personal lives and global issues. And finally, students using services like won’t have a single reason to worry about their personal data safety.

Really Precise GPS

Nowadays, GPS technology became a part of everyone’s routine. However, the positioning precision it can offer varies from five to ten meters. New hyper-precise positioning technologies allow narrowing the accuracy of device position monitoring down to centimeters or even millimeters. That progress means countless opportunities: from safety warnings for anyone to robotized taxis that will finally become completely safe.

The Remote Universe

What was the main impact point the COVID pandemic had on the world? It made people keep away from each other. That means remote work and communication solutions became not just another opportunity but a necessity. Throughout the world, countless specialists and systems adapted to the new reality, and it was especially critical for such fields as education and healthcare.

The further development of remote communication and cooperation technologies is unavoidable. The opportunity for millions of office-based workers to do all their jobs from home is not just comfortable. It expands the geography of professional relationships for companies and local experts and saves huge costs for businesses that don’t need to build or rent workspaces anymore, for instance.  

To Conclude

The future is now. Although any crisis is obviously preventing the development of some fields, it is also stimulating progress in other ones. The year 2021 is the year of global changes. Most probably, we won’t recognize the world in five to ten years. 

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