6 Reasons Behind the Increasing Emphasis on Mental health & Fitness

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, David Beckham, Michael Phelps, Simone Biles, Lance Franklin. What do all these individuals have in common? Other than being world-renowned athletes, they have all been a victim of mental health issues. Eating disorders, anxiety, stress, depression, mental health issues don’t discriminate. Meaning, even the fittest human beings can succumb to the negative thoughts present inside their heads. According to NIMH research, one in five adult Americans (around 43.8 million people) suffer from mental health issues. A whopping 18.5 percent of the entire American population.

That said, there has always been a stigma around mental health in our society. If someone experiences mental health issues, they have a lower chance of receiving professional help because of such stigma. However, it is nothing to be ashamed of anymore. Our brains’ wiring is not at fault here. Yet, we act like only we are at fault and discount our mental health’s importance. And if left untreated, things unravel for the worse. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late to receive treatment. On the contrary, when we remember the importance of our mental health, we give ourselves a fighting chance to get better. In light of such a thing, let us look at a few reasons behind the increasing emphasis on mental health.

Poor mental health can affect your physical health

Just as any physical health issue, be it chronic back pain or any other injury, can impact your mental fitness. Similarly, mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders can drastically affect your physical health. For example, a mental health condition like depression can increase pain sensitivity and lead to insomnia, fatigue, and even heart diseases.

Awareness is of the utmost importance here. Do you have an injury that is causing you depression? Or, is decreased confidence or pressure from work leading to depression, which is lowering your stamina and leading to increased fatigue? To determine what might be causing such issues, consider visiting a therapist with sound research and academic background. Today, many renowned therapists and psychologists combine their studies with clinical practice by utilizing the ease of eLearning. It allows them to practice what they learn simultaneously, further improving their clinical expertise. Therefore, approach counselors having online bachelors in psychology as they possess adequate knowledge to tackle mental health issues. They will administer the necessary treatments to solve any mental health issues you might have, resulting in better physical health.

Benefits of Mental Health & Fitness

  • Exercise and depression
  • Exercise and anxiety
  • Exercise and stress
  • Exercise and ADHD
  • Exercise and PTSD and trauma
  • Sharper memory and thinking
  • Higher self-esteem
  • Better sleep
  • More energy
  • Stronger resilience

Good mental fitness determines How you cope with stress

Being self-aware of your mental fitness means you’ll be able to handle and process stressors as they come into your life more effectively. It means you’ll be able to resolve any issues quickly rather than waiting for them to become unmanageable.

Living a healthy lifestyle by incorporating good coping techniques will equip you with an arsenal to cope with unwanted stress in your life. For instance, when you feel down, visit your friends or hang out with your siblings to lift your spirits. In short, if you are mentally fit, you’ll be able to overcome anything your life throws at you.

Impaired mental health can affect your relationships

Impaired mental health can cause a person to withdraw emotionally and socially from their family and friends, placing uncertainty or tension in their relationships. It can have deteriorating effects on you and your family. Both of you will struggle to understand what is going on in each other’s life.

Communication is vital in this situation. You have to be upfront with your friends and family in telling them what is happening in your life and how you feel. You might feel embarrassed at first. But sharing your thoughts and mental condition could decide whether you get better or fall on the wayside.

Poor mental health can decrease motivation

On the days when you are fully energized and ready to go, you will feel that nothing is impossible to accomplish. You will go about your day checking off challenges and obstacles with ease and comfort. Of course, not every day will pan out smoothly. You will indeed have gloomy days when you would feel demotivated and exhausted to do anything at all. However, if these days are more frequent, you might notice that it affects your ability to study, train, and concentrate.

If you aren’t mentally fit, you won’t be able to concentrate or do anything-whether it is your work or any other activity. Furthermore, your level of motivation is a perfect indicator to know when it’s time to seek professional help from a psychiatrist/psychologist.

Impaired mental health can lower your self-esteem

Self-esteem is a person’s ability to like, admire, and value themselves. What other individuals say or think about you shouldn’t affect your belief in yourself as a worthwhile and likable person. Self-esteem affects how a person takes care of themselves spiritually, physically, and emotionally. However, negative feelings and thoughts can push us to focus on our problems or shortcomings, becoming a harmful customary practice. Suddenly, negativity takes over, and you end up having arguments with friends or family. It starts to impact the way you see yourself as a person. Therefore, take care of your mental health. Your self-esteem levels will go through the roof, and you’ll be able to accomplish any goal and overcome any challenge in a heartbeat.

Good mental health allows you to end shame and stigma

When we realize that good mental health is vital to our general well-being, we help others who suffer from the same issues to accept themselves. Stigma spreads like wildfire when we don’t discuss mental health and its countless benefits. When everything boils down, mentally ill individuals require treatment and professional help.

However, without proper awareness, they won’t be comfortable reaching out to a professional for help. When we empower ourselves and the people around us, we show great compassion towards breaking the stigma and help others who are experiencing it.

How does exercise improve mental health

Mental health is improved by exercising by treating anxiety, depression, and bad mood and increasing self-esteem and cognitive function. In addition to reducing symptoms like low self-esteem and social withdrawal, exercise has also been found to alleviate depression.

What are 6 ways exercising helps your mental health?

Benefits of Mental Health are Following:
1. Help for depression and anxiety
2. Decreased stress
3. Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
4. Better sleep
5. Brain boost
6. self-confidence

How does exercise improve mental health

As well as improving mood and sleep, exercise can also reduce stress and anxiety, which enhances memory and thinking. Cognitive impairment is frequently caused or contributed to by problems in these areas.

How does exercise improve mood?

In chronic depression, exercise helps in the production of serotonin (which is important for regulating mood, sleep, and appetite) or brain-derived neurotrophic factor (regulates the growth of neurons in your brain). Depression may be worsened by exercising because exercise decreases immune system chemicals.

How does exercise affect your mental and emotional well-being?

In addition to improving mental health, exercise decreases anxiety, depression, and negative moods and improves self-esteem and cognitive function. In addition to reducing symptoms like low self-esteem and social withdrawal, exercise has also been found to alleviate depression.

How can I exercise my brain?

13 Brain Exercises to Help Keep You Mentally Sharp:

1. Have fun with a jigsaw puzzle
2. Try your hand at cards
3. Build your vocabulary
4. Dance your heart out
5. Use all your senses
6. Learn a new skill
7. Teach a new skill to someone else
8. Listen to or play music
9. Take a new route
10. Meditate
11. Learn a new language
12. Take up tai chi
13. Focus on another person

How do I get better mentally?

1. Talk about your feelings
2. Keep active
3. Eat well
4. Keep in touch
5. Ask for help
6. Take a break
7. Do something you’re good at
8. Accept who you are

Exercise and the Brain facts

Increased heart rate means more oxygen is being transported to the brain. Hormones are released as a result, providing an excellent environment for brain cells to grow. In many important areas of the brain, exercise stimulates the growth of new connections between cells.

How does exercise help depression

1. Releasing feel-good endorphins
2. Taking your mind off worries
3. Gain confidence
4. Get more social interaction
5. Cope in a healthy way
6. Set reasonable goals
7. Analyze your barriers

Mental health exercises

1. Take Deep and Conscious Breaths
2. Meditate at Your Desk
3. Stand and Stretch
4. Engage with Others
5. Listen to Music
6. Take a Moment to Laugh
7. Make Your Goals Realistic

Mental health exercises for depression

1. Make Positive Lists
2. Set Long-Term Goals
3. Identify Triggers
4. Meditate
5. Reward Yourself
6. Say No To Self-Hate
7. Find a Creative Outlet

Mental health for athletes

Among professional athletes, data shows that up to 35% of elite athletes suffer from a mental health crisis which may manifest as stress, eating disorders, burnout, or depression and anxiety.

Exercise and mental health pdf

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Mental health impacts everything in our life. It affects a person’s nature and how they interact with the world. That said, we all deserve to have peace in our lives. Today, the stigmas surrounding mental health issues are gradually decreasing. Therefore, we have to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues not just for ourselves but also for others. Maintaining mental vitality has become crucial as it ensures physical wellness, good relationships, high self-esteem, increased motivation, and whatnot. 

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