What is a coaching leadership style?

The shortcomings of a top-down leadership style have been obvious for some time.

Over time, several distinct types have emerged that are better suited to encouraging workers and optimizing their potential.

Disruption is now the norm in many sectors and business categories, which means what worked in the past may no longer be effective. Contemporary managers can’t have all of the answers all of the time, so innovative strategies have been implemented.

The coaching leadership style is one of these methods. It’s intended to develop a high-performance environment and is characterized by collaboration and teamwork. It strives to enable staff to make a genuine difference, resulting in a more fulfilled workforce, improved team spirit, and higher outcomes.

Some elements of a coaching leadership style might appear strange to individuals who are used to earlier management styles. It’s a method in which managers offer assistance and guidance rather than instructions, with employees learning how to adjust to dynamic situations, releasing energy, innovation, and fresh commitment.

But, what exactly is a coaching leadership style, and what are the traits that distinguish it from other options? What are the advantages of this approach in comparison with others?

What is the role of coaching in leadership?

Ineffective leaders struggle to build relationships with their people. Coaching is an important element of effective leadership techniques. It aims to develop a variety of good qualities in leaders that they may then utilize to assist their teams achieve improved overall results.


The goal of ‘coaching’ is to empower leaders and help them develop strategies to overcome their shortcomings. They enable executives to be honest about their imperfections, design methods to overcome them, and track their progress by setting objectives. Leaders are then led through reflective work in order for them to recognise improvements they’ve made in meeting their objectives and the

New Insight

Coaching allows executives to acquire a new perspective on their day-to-day duties. This might assist them in stepping back and taking stock if they’re facing short difficulties, perhaps revealing a larger issue. They can assist the leader by better analysing a problem and developing a strategy for similar circumstances in the future.

Free Thinking

Coaching aims to expose open patterns of thinking and encourage leaders to consider different viewpoints by posing questions. This allows a leader to be more adaptable, employing adaptive leadership methods to achieve their objectives. Adaptive leadership skills help a leader make fast and creative judgments under stress.

Improved Performance

After they’ve identified the most pressing concerns that the current leader is having, leadership coaches, work with them to improve those areas. This allows the leader to learn and apply new leadership skills in response to any emerging shortcomings.

Improved Communication

The communication styles of leaders are examined by coaching. It discovers any particular problem areas and may also assist a leader in developing unique ways to communicate with people.

One of the most significant changes it can make is to help people listen better. This might be as simple as eliminating phrases like “but” and “however” when a leader asks for thoughts from one of their employees. Improved communications may also contribute to greater trust and credibility.

Is coaching a leadership skill?

Coaching leadership, as defined by Paul Hershey and Kenneth Blanchard in the 1960s, has become increasingly popular in today’s workplace. It helps to create a good working atmosphere inside a company, as well as encouraging new abilities development, reaffirming goals, and fostering a self-assured business. Leaders who utilize coaching skills as part of their method create a more cheerful, productive, and successful company.

As a result, coaching has become an essential component of leadership. It identifies team members’ unique talents, flaws, and motives, encouraging everyone to grow. A competent leader must first create a sense of purpose and common goal for his or her team to unite behind, after which he or she must create a route map showing how to get there. They spend time getting acquainted with their teams’ roles, skills, and flaws, allowing them to develop over the long term.

Coaching techniques assist a leader in becoming an excellent team leader. They enthuse and urge, as well as handle conflict in a constructive and open manner. They concentrate on long-term outcomes while assisting others toward their objectives.

The coaching approach fosters greater leadership resilience and agility, as well as increased competence among both leaders and their teams. This aids them in coping with change and disruption, allowing them to respond instantly to uncertainty without hesitation or paralysis.

Coaching as a leadership ability can benefit many elements of a company. This might include employee engagement, onboarding, performance, knowledge transfer and development, safety and team well-being.

Simply, coaching enables team members to develop their own skills and flourish, allowing them to contribute more fully to company goals and success as a whole.

Coaching abilities allow leaders to be flexible, which is an important element of any company’s success.

What are the characteristics of a coaching leadership style?

A coaching leadership style is one in which a major change in attitude occurs, moving from a top-down approach to one of collaboration and empowerment. The goal is to unleash potential and assist individuals to discover talents and perspectives that will alter how they work, their contribution, and their general happiness in the job.

A coaching leadership approach is based on a clear set of approaches and ethics. These are the following:

Managers are not looking for warning signs or evidence of failure; they’re relying on each person’s potential to develop and expand past their present levels.

Partnership and collaboration

The most effective coaching leadership style is collaborative, with both people gaining from and growing together as a result of the relationship.

Trust and safety

Leaders and their teams strive to establish a mutually beneficial and trusting collaboration where ideas and viewpoints may be freely expressed.


Team members are aware of the team’s goals and objectives, and decisions are made with those considerations in mind.

Powerful questions

Leaders and their employees may use the techniques outlined in this book to generate more effective answers by asking critical questions.

Active listening

Coaching leadership styles include active listening methods that encourage the free exchange of ideas and opinions in order to enhance individual and team performance.


Constructive and helpful comments, like the ones above, are also beneficial in creating a setting where people may be completely honest.

Learning and development

Coaching leadership styles are based on a firm dedication to learning and development across the team.

How do you use coaching as a leadership style?

Coaching is a comprehensive leadership style that permeates every action and relationship of a leader with their team. The first step in coaching leadership is knowing your team’s current working methods, routines, and overall productivity.

You can use a coaching method to help them overcome any flaws. Honest communications are the foundation of a coaching leadership style.

Determine any particular areas of concern

It is important to take time to speak with your team and ask open-ended questions that allow for a thorough discussion of any concerns. This enables the leader to comprehend their views and how they think. Different workers approach their jobs with varying attitudes and objectives. It’s important to grasp how various personalities interact within a group in order to develop your plan.

Build a high level of trust

Team members will be cautious in their communications if they don’t feel that their leadership respects them. A coaching leadership style encourages strong connections and good interactions by establishing a solid connection. Any team performance comments are kept professional and encouraging.

Feedback is essential

Coaches should promote it by how they conduct themselves. They should be genuine and empathetic, while also reflecting the needs of team members. Some people like to receive public praise when they’re praised, whereas others want to stay out of the spotlight. Praise and criticism should be equally distributed in order to develop a more trusting relationship that allows for constructive criticism. Conversations should begin on a good note in order to create a more trusting connection with positive feedback.

Time and Research

It’s more of an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. A coaching leadership style is constantly on the lookout for new methods to improve and develop. It will include training opportunities, as well as a proactive approach to stay up to date, engage with thought leadership, and advance ideas.

Be reflective

It gives you permission to spend time assessing how the leader and their team are doing. A coaching leader will consider questions related to the overall process as well as the replies they get from interactions with their staff. A coaching leader will evaluate any difficulties they encounter and work on ways to overcome them.


A coaching leadership style requires accountability. Once trust has been established, and your team’s methods for executing tasks have improved, progress must be measured.

Finally, a coaching approach to leadership is always open to teaching moments that develop when you least expect them. Coaching leaders take the time to walk someone through a complicated procedure or help them comprehend a complicated notion. Knowledge is power, and as such, knowledge sharing is a critical aspect of any successful business. A coaching leader seeks to empower team members with helpful information that will help them work more productively. A coach is constantly ready to engage in these educational situations.

Leadership training to transform how you work

Leadership Success is dedicated to sharing the advantages of a coaching leadership approach with our training program, tailored leadership training.

Our one-on-one learning, guided by a professional coach, goes well beyond a typical leadership course.

Our coaches have extensive experience in a variety of leadership-related areas, including developing leaders, women in leadership, executive coaching, and conflict resolution. We also provide specialized coaching and assistance for front-line and middle managers.


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