Common Misconceptions About 3D Product Modeling Services

5 Common Misconceptions About 3D Product Modeling Services

While the innovative power of 3D modeling services is not to be doubted, certain myths or misconceptions linger, which makes the idea of 3D Product Modeling services unreceptive to brands and organizations looking to use it. But are they true? For example, a popular misconception of about any 3D product modeling firm is that they charge too costly. Although this may seem true at first glance, the ultimate fact of the matter is that it fails to properly take into consideration the broad aspects of 3D and is thus, partly untrue. In light of this, this article elaborately debunks some myths associated with the adoption of 3D product modeling services.

Debunking the Misconceptions About 3D Product Modeling Services

1. It is Too Expensive

The most popular assumption is that 3D product modeling services are too costly, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. The upfront payments which can be understandably huge appear discouraging to businesses, with the opinion that they are too expensive for something they can get at a lesser price using traditional processes.

However, this assumption is short-sighted and fails to account for the overarching considerations such as long-term cost savings, some miscellaneous expenses that cover photoshoot costs, and other additional expenses. All these expenses rolled into one can surpass and outweigh the upfront outlay for 3D product modeling services. Above all, 3D product modeling companies provide a precise quality that matches their payment, which is an assurance not all traditional processes enjoy.

2) 3D Product Services Take Too Long

Some businesses are also of the opinion that 3D product services are not too time-efficient and can take too long before completion. But this is not simply true. 3D product modeling services are powered by sophisticated technology like GPU and cloud rendering services. These technologies accelerate the process of finalizing modeling services into its final process. What could traditionally take weeks can now be completed in the space of days, enabling quick turnarounds for marketing materials, sales presentations, and other virtual assets.

3) Hard to Make Corrections

Some businesses also opt not to use 3D product modeling services as it has been assumed that making corrections is notoriously difficult. In addition, they believe making corrections can disrupt existing geometry which will require them to start over. But in reality, professional 3D product modeling services use non-destructive editing techniques, which allows for seamless modifications that are impervious to the background and existing structures of the model. Moreso, models can be updated during and after the lifecycle of a project, accommodating several design iterations, engineering changes, and a host of others.

4) It is only for Big Companies

Similarly, a widespread belief that 3D product modeling services are exclusively reserved for big companies prevails. This can’t be further from the truth. The emergence of outsourced 3D modeling services allows businesses of all sizes to utilize 3D product services at affordable rates, thereby leveling the playing field and empowering startups to leverage the transformative power of 3D. This democratization of 3D modeling technology presents a major opportunity, especially for startups and smaller firms seeking to innovate and go to market rapidly. They can now cost-effectively create immersive digital product experiences, leveraging 3D models for applications like marketing, sales enablement, training, and more – previously only feasible for large enterprises.

5) Difficulty in Communicating Design Ideas

Another widely held myth is that 3D product modeling services embody complexities that make it difficult to communicate properly. However, the latest technologies have dramatically simplified this process. Collaborative tools and real-time rendering capabilities ensure clients can easily share their thoughts, make annotations, and experience design modifications constantly. This helps to streamline the iterative processes and ensure that the final product aligns with their vision.


Even though 3D product modeling services enjoy a broad variety of advantages, certain misconceptions have hindered their widespread adoption. Most of these misconceptions hover around perceptions regarding high costs, and its ability to communicate and edit. The truth meanwhile is that these perceptions stem from deep ignorance and fail to reflect the current state of 3D modeling technology and service offerings.

This is because advancements in 3D technology have noticeably allayed some common concerns like its ability to communicate and edit and its time-consuming nature. Moreso, perhaps the most important point is that 3D product modeling services aren’t as expensive as erroneously claimed. What a 3D product modeling company offers in a single swoop and at an upfront price, traditional processes do not.

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