Web Development Workflow For Beginners: How The Funnel Works

Today, a good website is one of the crucial factors for your business success. A KPMG report shows that over 50% of potential buyers tend to check a company’s website before purchasing a product. 

Hence, it’s essential than ever to create a well-structured website with a good design, highlighting all the crucial information your potential customers might be looking for. 


A web development workflow is what you need to get through the planning process by implementing all the steps critical to website building.

What Is A Web Development Workflow?

A web development workflow is a process that comprises all the necessary steps for creating a website. A website isn’t only about the aesthetics or beautiful visuals – it’s more than that, from planning to deployment.

For example, let’s say you are a university student. You would not begin an assignment without a proper plan. Sure, you can hire a professional university assignment help expert or science or other homework helpers for the task. But sketching a work plan would boost your productivity and fulfil your target if you choose to work on your assignments independently. 

Likewise, a modern web development workflow is the stepping stone of the development process. It gives you a clear picture of all the steps to create a proper project timeline and communication plan for your teammates.

website development workflow key Steps:

  • Simplifies planning
  • Allows you to anticipate challenges and make informed decisions. 
  • Saves your time and money
  • Increases productivity and cross-functional activities 
  • Helps to improve team members work quality and consistency 

Developing a new website can be daunting, but if you know the time, budget and your role in the process, you can create a website as per your expectations. 

Pro Tip: Work on some web development exercises
to polish your current skills before moving forward with a project.

Also, you can take up a web development course to enrich your knowledge.

Modern Web Development Workflow

In modern web development, the introduction phase involves all technical activities. The programmers write codes, system engineers set up different servers, and the database engineers work with various data models. 

The Coding Phase

By now, the developers have all the necessary resources and data to build and test different features. They break the process into two distinct parts – frontend and backend. 

  • The frontend is mainly related to HTML, Javascript, CSS, and so on, which the browser interprets when a user opens the site. 
  • On the other hand, the backend is everything to servers and scripts written in different programming languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, .Net, etc. 

Developers also maintain databases such as MySQL and Microsoft SQL to store user-related data and website information. 

Git – The Version Control System

Git is the version control system developers use to track any changes in the code. It enables the users to create different branches for the project, evaluate the code’s previous versions and sets a standard for a project’s version control. 

Even though Git is the highest standard for version control, it is highly effective for storing in cloud services like Bitbucket or GitHub. Having your source code in the cloud will enable your team to access the code (the latest version, of course) from any system with good internet connectivity, making it easier for them to work on with the same code without damaging it.

CI/CD Services & Hosting

Once the developers have stored the code in Bitbucket or GitHub, they should use continuous integration and continuous delivery services for automating the deployment process. CI/CD services check the code stored in the GIT and deploy it to the hosting environment after passing all the tests. 

After completing the configuration, CI/CD services use the cloud Git repository code for testing before deploying it to the live server. The hosting provider allocates space for the reserved domain or website to view it in the browser. Often, they also create database structures using shell scripts through SSH connection. 

FTP Tools & Web Browser

Not all developers rely on Git or CI/CD cloud services to transfer codes online. Although it is not a recommended method of deploying codes online, many developers also use FTP or SFTP to transfer files to the live servers.

Once the code is on the live environments with an allocated domain name, users can access the website or application from their preferred browsers. When a user requests a page or a website, the server receives the request from the user’s browser. It then triggers backend scripts, essential for generating the particular page. The frontend program such as HTML and Javascript then interprets and displays the result to the user. 

In case of any changes, the developers can follow the same procedure to make changes in the local repository first and then to Git. Thereby making CI/CD services changes and deploying new code on the live server. 


The modern web development workflow process described above may vary by the company and developers working on the project. However, it will certainly give a better idea of the web development workflow process to any new developer. At the same time, I would also suggest you work on some web development exercises before kickstarting your web development journey. With repeated practice, you will become efficient in handling the modern web development process like a pro. 

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