Expert Tips to Grow Your Shopify Store and Increase Sales

Building an online business requires a complete approach to all the essential attributes of a store building.  Decent data validation is required to choose the best online platform to create an online store. 

The statistics have revealed that Shopify monthly recurring revenue in 2019 was $44.20 million for Q1. This implies that there is an increase of 36% yearly. When it is about revenue, the Shopify has experienced the growth of $101.10 million comparative to last year. Hence, there is an increment of 45% respectively. 

Assuredly, Shopify’s market growth trend is growing rapidly. It is the right platform for realizing your online business goals. 

Shopify – What is It?

Shopify is software that allows you to design and run your own online store and keep it running successfully on a monthly basis. Designed for users without advanced design or technical skills, the platform is as simple as possible and has a wide range of templates to quickly and easily launch any website but to take full advantage it should be created by professional Shopify developers.

With Shopify, you don’t need to worry about hosting or anything else. The platform provides you with everything you need to create and manage your store. Plus, in this Shopify review, we’ll show that pretty much all you need is internet access and a web browser. Without a doubt, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use, feature-rich solution for selling products online, Shopify is definitely worth a try. 

The main goal of every online store is to drive traffic and increase conversions. A smart e-commerce marketing strategy will change the whole picture of your online store. Considering that, here, in this article, we are providing you with the best ways to improve your store sales with Shopify.

How You Can Integrate Google Analytics & Search Console With Shopify

Different Ways to Capture More Sales with Shopify

Integrate Instagram

Instagram is currently one of the fastest-growing social platforms. It keeps many people, brands and influencers under one roof. It has reached 1 billion monthly active users.

The growing importance of Instagram to businesses is undeniable. However, whether it’s a dress, decor, or a doll, it needs to be figured out if it’s instagramable or not. The focus is on aesthetics and photography, making the social platform visually appealing. It is clear today that the network cable store has no chance here.

Hence, before jumping in to create an Instagram account, make sure it is right for your type of business. It is recommended that vendors from the following industries try their luck on this platform: outdoor and sports, food and beverage, household goods, apparel and beauty products. Check out these simple tips to make your Instagram account more attractive if your business falls into one of the following sectors.

Read More: How to Use Instagram Live to Generate Leads

Create a Business Account

By having a business account, you will provide more information about your brand. Moreover, you will be able to use an analytical tool to track your success. For example, you can measure the number of jobs per subscriber, the growth in the number of subscribers, audience reach and impressions, the number of the most active subscribers, and much more. However, you will not be able to add links to your posts. You can add a link to your site to the description of your business page.

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Make Your Photos and Videos Look Professional

Professional-looking content is key to attracting more subscribers. Since Instagram is highly visual, it is recommended that you post high-quality videos and images. It is common knowledge that Instagram resizes photos before posting. To get a better view of your photography on this platform, here’s a simple guide to the dimensions to use for images on your Instagram business page:

  • Square photo dimensions (1080 x 1080 pixels)
  • Portrait photo dimensions (1080 x 1350 pixels)
  • Landscape photography dimensions (1080 x 607 pixels)
  • Instagram Story Dimensions (1080 x 1920 pixels)

Add your logo to your profile photo if you have one. Stick to your picture profile when you pick one. This helps longtime followers recognize your brand easily. you may also like: how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes.

Focus on Storytelling

People follow brands for three reasons: they share great photos, they tell interesting stories, and they support a fun cause. With real-time marketing and a good story, you will attract more people. They will talk about your brand, and your soldier on the chessboard will take a step forward towards brand awareness.

Create a Compelling Call to Action

You can find phrases like “Add to cart”, “Buy now”, “Click here” on almost all product pages in online stores. They are the wheel of any store and are called Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons. They guide leads from product pages to landing and checkout.

They motivate customers to take certain actions. A thoughtful and compelling CTA can lead customers to the right place in the conversion funnel. It may sound strange, but one of the eCommerce gurus, Amazon, has gotten a whopping 13% conversion rate thanks to a well thought out CTA. It was statistically proven that changing the colour of the CTA button (from black to blue) reduced the number of abandoned carts by 50%.

What’s more, as you can see, most online stores place a CTA button above the fold. It’s common in online marketing that people don’t scroll to see a CTA button if it’s under the fold. So, a compelling and engaging CTA can do most of the work on its own.

Provide a Personalized eCommerce Experience

eCommerce personalization is the display of customized offers, recommendations, and other content based on specific characteristics of your customer (demographics, previous data, etc.).

There is no doubt that personalization is a key factor in your store’s success. Suffice it to mention that 75% of customers prefer to receive personalized messages and offers.

We are all unique and personalized offers tailored to the needs and wishes of the buyer to provide a great experience. However, personalization is not only about offering the right products. This also applies to the tone of voice you use when delivering your messages.

Read More : How to Boost Your Company’s Online Presence

Give Recommendations to Visitors via Chatbots

Online stores still use live chats to communicate with people. But today, technology offers more sophisticated live chat options. Have you heard of dialogue marketing?

This allows you to set up chatbots in your online store so that the chatbot can communicate with your visitor. You won’t be hiring dozens of customer support specialists to respond to online visitor inquiries. The chatbot will recommend the right products based on the responses of your visitors.

The industries that immediately started using conversational chatbots are healthcare, food service, media, financial services, and more. The potential of chatbots is surprisingly promising for e-commerce too. Therefore, many investors have a lot of faith in these AI friends and cannot wait for the final results. Ecommerce platforms like Shopify use:

  • LivePerson: It integrates with Twitter and Facebook. Generates automatic reports, optimizes. The monthly subscriptions start at $ 50. Free trial available.
  • Internal Communication: Easy to use for email campaigns starting at $ 38 / month. Free trial available.
  • IntelliTix:  It is a hybrid chat platform that matches both artificial and human interaction. It has menu options in chat and payment in chat. One month free trial is available. Starts at $ 20.
  • Zendesk: It provides multi-channel support: email, social, phone, internet, chat. It starts at $ 14 and provides a monthly free trial.

By using live chat rooms for your online store, you can significantly reduce your support and customer service costs.

Make Your Store Multilingual

Online shops available in different languages ​​can attract more shoppers. They cover the global market more easily. Statistics show that the most popular language on the Internet is English, representing 25.2%. So what about the rest of the people who don’t use English during WWW? Translating your online store is a great idea for 2020. Shopify boasts a variety of apps that will make your store multilingual.

One of them is GTranslate, which is easy to use and provides better customer service due to its useful features. Search engine indexing enables people to find your product in search results and in their own language. What’s more, thanks to other features, your URLs will also be translated into other languages. Plus, you can edit the translation and change whatever you want. If you advertise in other languages ​​as well, you better direct visitors to translated landing pages. 

Also Read : How does Amazon contribute to eCommerce| The industry Direction Now?

Recover Abandoned Carts

7 out of 10 shoppers add products to their cart and never buy them. It is more profitable to reorient customers who have added products to their carts and have not yet purchased them than to attract new customers.

Plus, users returning after receiving a follow-up message tend to spend more than those who purchase immediately. Thus, remarketing is an effective method of reducing abandoned carts and increasing your ROI (return on investment).

The two main types of retargeting are advertising and email. The former is widely used by online retailers and produces the desired results.

  • The most effective platform for creating targeted ads is Adwords, helping you with Google remarketing. Let’s start with a little explanation first.
  • Google AdWords remarketing is a form of online advertising that allows online merchants to send targeted ads to abandoned cart owners.
  • All you have to do is add some of the Google remarketing code to your site and your visitors will be added to the remarketing list.
  • To reduce your Google remarketing costs, you can create different lists of redirected visitors from product pages or checkout pages.

Offer Free Shipping

Free shipping is an effective marketing tool when used correctly. We all love getting things for free, and online customers are no exception. Moreover, statistics show that additional transport costs are the main reason for abandoning their carts. 

Thus, free shipping can be beneficial for both the digital shopper and the merchant. This may be offered in conjunction with other shipping options. Online shoppers may be offered free shipping if:

  • They shop for a certain amount (shoppers will add more items to their cart to be eligible for free shipping).
  • Buy two or more items (use the sale to generate income and reach the client’s goal).
  • Place an order within a specified period of time (the slowest buying period when sales are declining).

Use SEO Tactics to Go Viral

One of the main differences between online stores and brick-and-mortar stores is SEO. There is no online shopping without SEO. You can have a great store offering great products.

But what is the use if no one knows about it? This is where you need an SEO strategy to build brand awareness and learn how to boost your eCommerce sales on Shopify.

First of all, you can hire a freelance SEO specialist to get your website SEO up and running. But, before doing this, you must know what it is about. In order to rank higher on Google, you should consider these top eCommerce SEO strategy tips:

  • On-page SEO: On-page SEO matches all the tactics you can use on your website (keywords, meta description, title tags, alt tags, HTML code, SSL / HTTP are the backbone of on-page SEO)
  • Off-page SEO: If on-page SEO is all you can do on your site, then off-page SEO refers to everything that happens on your site. These are mainly backlinks and D / A (domain authority).
  • Technical SEO: This is used to get search engines to crawl your site correctly. In addition, it is used to make your site mobile-friendly, exclude pages not found, increase page speed, and deal with redirects.

Add Customer Reviews to Your Online Store

Product reviews are one of the most important things shoppers look at when shopping. They build the confidence of visitors to your brand. By enabling the product review feature, you get more benefit than harm. Even constructive criticism and advice can help you make your online store the best place to shop. 

When reading reviews like this, people are more likely to buy the product than read long descriptions of how useful and excellent it is.

Use Gift Cards to Reach More Customers

Customers love gift cards and the demand for them is increasing, especially during the holidays. Buyers buy gifts for themselves and their loved ones. But sometimes they don’t know which gift to choose and prefer to present the gift card rather than the product itself.

As such, gift cards are a powerful marketing tool for merchants who are wondering how to increase Shopify sales during the holidays.

Use Facebook Ads

With over 2.2 billion daily active users, Facebook is a great platform to advertise your product every day. However, not all companies record success with Facebook ads. What is the reason and how can they fix it?

It is estimated that over 97% of B2C companies use social media, especially Facebook. This means that almost everyone uses Facebook for business marketing. This means Facebook content marketing is beneficial. However, 50% of small businesses say they don’t get enough ROI from Facebook ads. These ads should be targeted to a specific audience. Here are some simple tips for your Facebook ad campaign:

  • Intent message
  • Narrow audience
  • Create a community page
  • Don’t post without a content calendar
  • Use boosted posts to optimize sales
  • Post regularly to your Facebook Story

Facebook advertising is a subject for a lot of research that we will not do now. However, we can argue that businesses that pair well with Facebook advertising include: retail and e-commerce, entertainment and media, technology, games, food and beverage, financial services, and more.

Wrapping Up

Despite the fact that many companies still sell products exclusively in physical stores, more and more people are moving to online shopping. If you are still offline, Shopify allows you to go online and focus on creating new products while your online store generates sales for you.

Use your productive time to capture more and more opportunities. And, improve your business value.

We hope you liked this article. If there are some queries or suggestions then let us know in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading!! and e-commerce, entertainment and media, technology, games, food and beverage, financial services, and more.

Morris Edwards is a Manager at Awebstar, a Shopify development company in Singapore which is dealing with digital marketing, SEO, mobile app development, social media marketing, and more. Connect with him at

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