
Learn The Insider Tips To Get International SEO Done Right

No matter how much you know about national SEO, international SEO is a whole different world. Even though you might have an SEO & Link company or an International SEO company on your side, you should still be aware of what you can do to make life easier for everyone involved. 

Know What Questions You Need Answers To

Here are some common questions the agency will ask you that you should have the ability to answer and some common questions you could ask them that you should know. 

Where are you aiming for?

You should know ahead of time which regions you want to expand into as some spaces have search engines that are not Google, and this takes more work than if it was simply Google you’re looking to rank high with. So, consider looking into if there’s any regions already interested in your brand to make life easier for yourself. 

Do you want to target language or country? 

This is a common question in international SEO, and the answer depends on your goals. Language optimization is a great option if you want to appeal to a broader audience regardless of their exact location.  If you want to be more specific, country based optimisation is more likely to work for you. 

What localisation factors matter the most?

Localisation is when you optimise your website and its content to reflect the local language and culture. The two most important things to get right here is accuracy and common use. Accuracy is to avoid misinterpretations with keywords and slogans. Common use is when you go beyond direct translations to use the exact nuances locals use to describe things so you tap into them directly. 

How do you build local links?

Local link building is a must for international SEO. It’s a good idea to hire local writers to help you make articles for local blogs, get sponsored mentions and make yourself seen more where the locals are already looking. 

Does social media matter globally?

Social media does matter globally, but the platforms you use will be different than they are in western countries. For example some Asian countries don’t use TikTok and instead have their own local option, others don’t allow Facebook to be used in the region. 

Are current keywords good? 

Your current keyword is the result of careful marketing in a particular region. When you go for international markets you may need to look again at these keywords against your new competitors and check if they still do a good job. 

Do you need professionals onboard? 

Yes. This is a no brainer to us. International SEO is so hard to get right, so if you want a better chance of success and return of investment, opt for the best people in the market.  

Factors That Affect International SEO

Now that you have some of the vital information, let’s look into factors that affect the success of your international SEO campaign. 

Customer Reviews: This is what locals will see when they look up your website so make sure you monitor your reviews both on your website and on third party sites and respond to any that need responses.

Mobile Optimisation: No matter what region you’re interested in, mobile optimisation doesn’t go out of style. So make sure your website is mobile optimised for different regions as well as for tablets and more. 

Google My Business Account: Even if you don’t have local storefronts, the Google My Business Account is still vital. Make sure to update it where your business is operating and keep it as up to date as you can.

Link Building: Make sure you have a robust link building campaign regardless of geographical location. This is still the best way to connect to new markets and rank better, so don’t skip it!  

Get it Right: Choose Perfect Link Building

When you choose the right agency, you get peace of mind, less stress, and more ability to go back to core business needs and let the agency handle the hard stuff. To do this accurately you need someone like Perfect Link Building, an SEO agency known for being global leaders in helping businesses of all shapes and sizes find growth by tapping into international markets. 

Contact them now when you’re ready to get started!

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