Ten Compelling Reasons To Opt For A Healthcare Degree

During the pandemic, healthcare workers went to great lengths to save people. They often worked without adequate protection, exposing themselves to significant risk. Thousands of workers came out to retirement to help the world in crises.

There are several advantages to entering the healthcare industry. Most people think only nurses and doctors can work in healthcare, but they are wrong. There are several different job roles in healthcare that contribute significantly to delivering quality patient care. So, there is something for everyone, no matter their background or skills. And most of these jobs have excellent benefits.

However, a career is more than just a job. It is something that will define your future. And it requires years of studying to achieve the goals you choose for yourself. So, you should carefully consider the reasons to pick education in healthcare. Listed below are eleven compelling reasons to opt for a healthcare-related degree.

A lucrative career:

We’re not saying that you should work in healthcare for money, but the excellent salaries are an added advantage. Because of high demand and low supply, healthcare workers earn some of the highest wages among all occupations. The average entry-level healthcare worker earns $32 per hour, depending on the designation. Training and experience can get you better positions with a higher payscale.

Smooth transition into executive positions:

People change with time, and so do their professional aspirations and priorities. A person who enjoyed working as a surgeon might find executive roles more appealing at some point later on. Fortunately, transitioning into executive healthcare positions is not complicated. Graduating with a graduate-level degree in healthcare management can help clinical staff take up managerial roles. However, not everyone can dedicate a lot of time to their studies while working shifts in the hospital. Fortunately, individuals who want flexible schedules can opt for online MHA programs to benefit from a less structured atmosphere. Distance learning has plenty of benefits that make it an ideal route for clinical healthcare workers to transition into administrative roles.

Job security:

Unlike other industries, demand for healthcare services is increasing. An aging population and automation have increased the requirement for more skilled resources. Furthermore, most of the current healthcare workforce consists of baby boomers who will retire within the next few years. Therefore, the demand for physicians and nurses will grow faster. Healthcare will generate 3 million new positions within the next decade. So, you will never have issues finding a job after acquiring a healthcare degree.

You can live and work anywhere:

Healthcare workers can find work anywhere in the world because of the high global demand for competent workers. Most programs have excellent healthcare education programs that make it easier for students to seek opportunities abroad. Some institutions also offer scholarships to students willing to work overseas. Professionals can also volunteer in international programs, such as doctors without borders, to provide medical aid in underdeveloped countries.

You can do work that interests you:

Healthcare is a diverse field. You can choose whether you want to work in large organizations or small clinics. You can even select clinical and non-clinical roles within healthcare. From studying cells under a microphone to transcribing notes for a doctor, the range of skills and experience is unlimited. People who love being around others should consider a career like nursing, social work, or public health. Analytical personalities are better suited for scientific research and policy-making roles. So, choose something that matches your skills and personality.

Fulfilling work:

with a background in healthcare education, you will make a difference in people’s lives. Whether you work as an orderly or a health services administrator, you will be helping to make the world a healthier and safer place. Doing meaningful work improves motivation, job satisfaction, and stress levels. You will also see firsthand how your work positively impacts others, whether it is a patient going through recovery or someone who needs financial assistance. 

People will respect you:

Everyone has heard of Florence Nightingale. Not only was she a social reformer, but she was also the founder of modern nursing. Everyone wants to be proud of their work instead of treating it as a means to an end. But not everyone saves lives for a living. Healthcare roles help people maintain their health, and they are the most respected jobs in the world. Every year people celebrate the tireless contributions of healthcare workers to show them their appreciation. During Covid-19, millions of people supported healthcare workers and thanked them for their heroic efforts. Education in healthcare will get you similar respect and affection from people around you, provided you’re committed to helping humanity.

You can get help to pay for college:

Hundreds of scholarships, bursaries, grants, and financial aid programs help pay for medical school. Some institutions also offer funds to pay for travel expenses or dual accommodation costs of medical students. Some programs repay student loans in exchange for several years of service in an underprivileged area. For example, the National Health Services Corp offers medical professionals more than $100,000 in exchange for four years of service in high-risk communities.

You can choose a career that fits your education plans:

Not all healthcare jobs require 13 years of specialized education. There are several positions for people with technical certificates or students who have not decided on a career. You can launch a lucrative healthcare career with just a two-year-long course at your community college. For example, a two-year degree in dental hygiene is the minimum requirement for a dental hygienist position. Similarly, mental health counselors require a bachelor’s degree, a few thousand hours of experience, and a license to begin their private practice.

You will save lives:

People inspired by heroes should enter the healthcare field because they are superstars. Indeed, all heroes do not wear capes. Some also wear lab coats and have stethoscopes.


There is a lot to consider before choosing a degree in healthcare. Education in the field provides not only lucrative employment opportunities but also tremendous job security. However, healthcare workers have to work under stressful situations, often facing insurmountable challenges. Therefore, you must be sure of your decision before opting for a related degree. Students who want to become doctors/nurses should focus on their academic performance and skill development. Similarly, students pursuing non-clinical education in healthcare should cultivate a desire to improve service delivery to patients.

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