How to Live a Stress Free Life | Life living Hack

Live a stress free life is very important for all professionals. Especially we need to live a stress free life when we all are passing a tough time. 

My technique is something different from others for living a stress free life.

Today I will share my knowledge and experience so that, you can also find some important tips to live an enjoyable life.

What are My Techniques to Live a Stress Free Life

Let’s see the techniques that I follow to live a stress free living.

  • Give more time to the family
  • Read books, blogs and articles
  • Learn something new
  • Practice free hand exercise
  • Spend some time in my garden
  • Play indoor games with my kids
  • Call to my old friends and colleagues
  • Avoid social media and newspapers 

Now let’s see how the above points can help us to live a stress free life

Give More Time to Your Family

Spending a quality time with your family can really helpful to reduce your mental pressure. When you face a serious mental pressure, just go to your parents and hug them, sit beside them for a while. Try to know about their health. Cook some special dish for them. You believe it or not, your mental pressure will vanish automatically. 

You can spend quality time with your brother/sister also. 

Spending some quality time with your spouse also very effective for getting relief from mental stress. Try to arrange a especial dinner for your beloved one. You can live a stress free life for a while.

Read Books, Blogs, and Articles

It is said that books are the best friend. When you are in mental pressure, just try to concentrate to increase your knowledge and ideas. Reading books, blogs or articles are the best way to boost your knowledge and ideas. The more you will be knowledgeable, the more chances to live a stress free living. 

You can also find the solutions of the problems that are putting you in the mental pressure from books and blogs. 

So, reading books and blogs are very well known and popular techniques to get relief from mental stress.

Learn Something New

Learning something new is always enjoyable, especially when you are facing mental pressure. It can divert your mind to what you are learning and it is very helpful to reduce mental stress.  

Learning new things can help you to boost your career also. You can learn cooking recipes, hospitality management, graphic design, digital marketing, web design and development, search engine optimization, etc. 

There are many free and paid online courses. You can choose any of them. But those courses are much better who offers live projects. 

You can check on the internet for cooking expert, SEO expert, digital marketing expert, DTP expert for learning your desire courses with live projects. 

Practice Free Hand Exercise

Practicing free hand exercise and yoga can always help you to maintain a stress free living. You may surprise to know that on this planet every successful people start their day early in the morning with some freehand exercise or yoga practice. Every successful people practice freehand exercise and yoga in the morning because it helps to reduce mental pressure and keep your mind fresh. 

Spend Some Time in Your Garden

You know, gardening is not only a hobby, but also a therapy. Many doctors recommend gardening therapy for getting relief from mental pressure. 

So, if you are passing a tough time, just go to your garden and spend at least 30 minutes every day. If you don’t have your own garden, start gardening today at your backyard, rooftop, or veranda. 

When you start spending time in your garden, you can feel the nature that can really give you peace of mind.

Play Indoor Games with Your Kids

Games are always very helpful to reduce mental stress.  Nowadays, many corporate offices provide indoor games facilities, so that, their employees can work in a stress free environment.

You can also implement this technique in your regular life. When you feel mental pressure, just go to the indoor game room and start playing. It will help you to live a stress free living.

You can implement this technique in your home also. There are lots of indoor games like table tennis, table football, golf, etc. available in the market. You can buy whatever games you like and make a room for indoor game in your house.  This technique will also help you to live a mental pressure free life.

Call to Your Old Friends and Colleagues

When we entre in our professional life, we can often call to our friends and colleagues. But talk to our old friends and colleagues works just like a therapy. It is very helpful to reduce mental stress. 

When you are feeling mental pressure for your professional or family life, just give a phone call to your old friends or colleagues. You will feel that you have got relief from your mental pressure.

Avoid Social Media and Newspapers 

You believe it or not, social media and newspaper always put extra pressure on our mind. But most of the times we don’t understand it at the time of use social media or newspaper.

But when you need to concentrate on any work or job, you will feel the pressure comes in your mind. This is the reason many professionals, players and doctors don’t use social media and newspaper before their important work or matches. 

You should also avoid social media and newspaper when you need to focus on a particular job. It will help you to reduce mental pressure.

End Words

Reducing mental pressure is very important for succeed in our life. In this article I have just shared my knowledge and ideas so that, you can also practice these techniques in your professional and family life.

There are many other ways to reduce mental pressure. You can also share your knowledge and experience so that, many people can be benefited and can live a stress free life.


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