If you are running an online business then definitely you want more traffic on your website. But, achieving this has become complicated! For that, you need a fully optimized website that is more SEO friendly that gives you more organic traffic, leads, and sales.
But, we need to understand first what SEO is and how it is beneficial?
SEO stands for Search engine optimization. This is the strategy that is used by maximum business owners to get maximum traffic to their website. Suppose when the visitors use the website in the search of any topic. The search engine optimized the site with the highest-ranking. It will appear on top in the first search. In this way, your website can engage maximum visitors and turn them into your clients.
So, it’s essential to improve your WordPress website. SEO is the best way to make it more user-friendly. Google is the right platform to bring your website in top-notch position. For more business, it’s important to be on the top of Google. It keeps doing updates in the algorithms that are very helpful in SEO rankings.
For that, you need to step out from the old methods and must try some tricks to make the website more SEO compatible. To increase the traffic you need to reduce the bounce rate. This is only possible if you understand what web crawlers are looking for in search engines.
The best way to understand this is to use some tricks to make the website SEO friendly. Here in this article, we are going to review different best WordPress SEO services tips that are used by the experts to make the website more SEO friendly.
Best Tips to Make the WordPress Website more SEO friendly
1. Intelligent Keyword Search

This is the oldest method in the SEO ranking. This trick is almost used by your competitors. So it’s essential to be smart in choosing the appropriate keywords to be ahead from your rivals. The higher ranking in google totally depends upon the keywords.
Choose the most relevant keywords. The tools like Google Adword Keyword Planner, ubersuggest will help you outrageously to drive more traffic and right content. For checking the keyword, you can use google analytics to inspect the keyword for the website. It gives you various options where you can choose the relevant one.
2. Choose the Right Content

Content is always the king. The unique and valuable content is a great help in the SEO ranking. A website is nothing without the content. The high-quality content is the backbone of any WordPress site.
So it’s important that you add the relevant content and give the right knowledge to your visitors. The second important factor is that it should not be copied and the content must be plag-free. Add the fresh content so that users find it interesting.
3. Practice Permalinks

The permanent URL of the website is called the permalinks. The permalinks are used in the address bar to reach the website and view the appropriate page. The links can be used on the other website to link your website page.
Generally, the site comes with the default permalinks. You can change them according to your convenience. Permalinks are custom made. For many SEO topics, there are some technical aspects that you’ll need to consider before to make sure that you are adding the right links.
Here are some tips:
- Keep a consistent structure
- Use a keyword-rich URL
- Use shorter URLs
- Avoid dates in URLs
4. Use Videos
The videos used in the content is to reinforce your SEO. Adding videos to your content is one among best SEO’s best practices.
Optimized videos will bring more traffic from Google. Videos can garner you traffic, links, mentions and more from sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Tumblr and more.
Secondly, make sure your videos are relevant to your content. Apart from gaining you better rankings, videos give the best knowledge.
5. Use Attractive Themes

It is very important to make the website look appealing to improve SEO ranking. WordPress themes are very popular because of their exclusive features. There are numerous themes available online so that you can choose any theme from any option.
Consider some factors like before implementation:
- Use canonical URL meta tags.
- Choose the mobile-friendly theme.
- Avoid homepage sliders.
These are some important factors that need to be considered before picking up any theme.
6. Choosing Right Plugins

WordPress has many SEO plugins. So you have the numerous options to choose the best one for you. The SEO plugins are very helpful to add meta-data, meta-title, tags and many more. These plugins provide the best solution for your business and used to enhance your website on google search results.
7. Heading Tags
For an organized website it’s important to use the right heading tags without the tags, there is no sense of the individual content.
Place the heading tags at the correct position. This is what is used in the formatting. You can apply it in different sections within the pages and posts. It has the visual benefit of easily breaking up the text and making it easier to read. Even the visitors give attention to the headings because it makes the content more understandable. So while creating the content don’t forget to use the heading options to make it more appealing.
8. Optimized Images

Image is the best visual source that can engage the large audience to your website. Images are equally important to content. Visual factors make the content and website more attractive.
The images have a great impact on SEO. The quality size of your images can affect your pages processing speed which increases the ranking factor.
So be sure that you optimize your images. It has little impact on the website’s performance. Use the ALT text in your images. Add the title text, you can simply add them upon uploading images to the media library. Each image has a descriptive filename with text. Keep in mind to use the keyword in both places.
Also, you should optimize your images for fast loading. Don’t use heavy images that will only slow down your site.
9. Use short URLs

The short URLs are very helpful on the website. It keeps the site clean, organized and structured. It improves the CTR of your website. For organic traffic keep it as short as possible. This is very beneficial for your business. WordPress automatically creates the short URLs for your titles.
10. Use the Tags Appropriately
If you want your crawlers to check the content thoroughly, then add the comprehensive and related data. Tags are the only best option to do that.
A web tag is a tool that helps to collect the data on a website. It provides unique information regarding on-site behaviours. This is interesting to know about the visitor’s behavioural patterns and recent trends before putting in the information
It is advised to use appropriate tags that can easily be defined with visual content of the webpage. Here, the alt text can help to visualize the relevance of the material. Make sure to
focus more on the keywords for its optimization.
11. Page Loading Speed

Believe it or not, website speed matters a lot in SEO ranking!! It is the fundamental factor that the visitors notice while checking your website.
If your website is taking more than 3 seconds to load, then surely you are losing a lot of traffic and killing your conversions. Accordingly, the visitors become disinterested and irritated and move to some other website.
Also, you are losing more than half of the visitors before even their visit to your website.
You can follow some or all of the following ways to speed up your website:
- Reduce HTTP requests
- Minify and join files
- Manage asynchronous loading for JavaScript and CSS files
- Accede JavaScript loading
- Decrease time to the first byte
- Reduce server response time
- Pick the right hosting option as per your requirements
- Allow compression and browser caching
- Decrease image sizes
- Adopt a Content Delivery Network
- Get external hosting platforms
- Optimize CSS delivery
12. Adding Social Media Sharing Buttons

Social media is the best platform to advertise your site. Most of the search engines take the help of social networking websites like Instagram, twitter etc. to get the best possible result from the users.
Nowadays search engines post good social reactions. It increases the traffic from different social sites. So for the better results, you can implement social sharing buttons on your website and get those advantages.
13. Give Attention to Visitors

We are nothing without visitors. They are whole and solely responsible for our business success. They are our customers, clients, visitors. While planning any business strategy, it is recommended to keep the readers in mind. Consider their perspectives, ideas, everything.
Know who you are addressing, then create informative content. There are some questions that you need to have the answer of before creating any sort of content or before devising your SEO strategy:
- Which content will they like the most?
- Which platform do they find more worthy?
Wrapping Up
Above we have discussed one of the best SEO tips for WordPress websites. There are various other strategies and tactics very accessible to improve the SEO ranking but these are the worth for your WordPress website.
With these tricks, you can engage more users while driving constant traffic from Google and other search engines.
Hopefully, all the tips are beneficial for your business.
Your suggestions and queries are welcome. Feel free to ask in the comment section.
Thank you for reading!!