
Malding: The Twitch Chat Term Taking the Streaming World by Storm


Twitch is a massive streaming platform where people from all over the world can come together to watch and chat about their favorite games and streamers. With so many viewers and creators on the platform, Twitch has developed its own language and slang that can be hard to keep up with for the uninitiated.

One term that has been making waves in Twitch chat lately is “malding.” It’s a term that’s used to describe someone who is getting extremely angry or frustrated, often to the point of losing control. But where did this term come from, and how did it become so popular on Twitch? In this article, we’ll explore the origins of “malding” and what it means in the context of Twitch chat.

What Does Malding Mean in Twitch Chat?

Malding is a term that’s used to describe someone who is getting so angry or frustrated that they’re losing their mind. It’s a combination of the words “mad” and “balding,” and it’s often used to poke fun at people who are taking things too seriously or getting worked up over nothing.

Malding can be used in a variety of contexts on Twitch. For example, if a streamer is getting destroyed in a game and starts getting angry, chat might start spamming “malding” to poke fun at them. Or if a viewer is getting upset over something trivial, other viewers might call them out for “malding.” Essentially, it’s a way for people to call out someone’s irrational behavior and get a laugh out of it.

Where Did Malding Originate?

The exact origin of malding is somewhat unclear, but it seems to have originated on Twitch around 2019. Some people attribute its origin to the popular Twitch streamer “xQc,” who is known for his rage-filled outbursts during his streams. Others say that it was popularized by a Twitch chat bot named “ForsenE,” which would spam “malding” whenever someone in the chat was getting upset.

Regardless of its exact origins, malding quickly caught on in the Twitch community and has since spread to other online spaces as well. It’s now a common term used in other gaming communities and even outside of gaming altogether.

How is Malding Used in Twitch Chat?

  • Malding is primarily used in Twitch chat as a way to call out someone’s irrational behavior or anger. Here are a few examples of how malding might be used in Twitch chat:
  • If a streamer is getting upset over a game and starts yelling at their screen, chat might start spamming “malding” to poke fun at them.
  • If a viewer is getting upset over something trivial, other viewers might call them out for “malding” and tell them to calm down.
  • If someone in chat is being overly aggressive or confrontational, other viewers might call them out for “malding” and tell them to relax.
  • Overall, malding is a term that’s used to keep things lighthearted and humorous in Twitch chat. It’s a way to diffuse tension and remind people not to take things too seriously.


Q1: Is malding a derogatory term?

A: Not necessarily. While malding is often used to poke fun at someone who is getting upset or angry, it’s generally not meant to be taken seriously. It’s more of a playful way to call out irrational behavior and bring some levity to the screen.

Q2: Can malding be used outside of Twitch chat?

A: Yes, malding has spread beyond Twitch and is now a common term used in other online spaces as well. It’s particularly popular in gaming communities but can be used in any context where someone is getting angry or frustrated.

Q3: Is malding only used by English speakers?

A: While malding originated in English-speaking Twitch communities, it has since been adopted by people all over the world who use Twitch. It’s not limited to any particular language or region.

Q4: Are there any other Twitch slang terms I should know?

A: Yes, Twitch has developed its own unique language and slang over the years. Some other popular terms include “PogChamp,” “Kappa,” and “monkaS.” If you’re new to Twitch, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with some of these terms to better understand the platform’s culture.


“Malding” has become a widely recognized term in Twitch chat, frequently used to poke fun at those who are getting excessively upset or agitated. While its origins remain somewhat unclear, the term has gained popularity due to its relatability and usefulness in describing intense emotional outbursts.

As Twitch continues to grow and evolve, it’s likely that new slang terms and expressions will emerge. However, “malding” is sure to remain a staple of Twitch chat and a testament to the platform’s unique culture and community. Whether you’re an avid Twitch user or new to the platform, understanding the meaning and context of “malding” can help you better navigate the world of online streaming and gaming.

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