Technology has been rapidly changing the very face of our global world and is bringing up advancements day by day. You definitely have used Google Voice search or have order Siri to search something for you but wait a minute!! Have you optimize your website with this great technology. If no, then it’s the right time to add this amazing technology to your site and generate heavy traffic by giving your website a U-turn.
Voice search is one of the amazing gestures in which searches are carried out with the help of voice supporters such as Cortona, Siri, Alexa, Google Home, and many more. Instead of typing manually, you use your voice to search it on the browser by using any kind of gadget that supports it. Alpine Artificial Intelligence has estimated that there are approximately 1 billion voice searches in a month.
This shows the turning rate of the users towards this new feature in the market. And not only this it is been predicted that in this year around 1 billion devices will be featured with “voice assistants” This truly declares the real importance of voice search in today’s time. In order to play the leading role in the race as a marketer in 2020, you need to adapt for success is one who learns and grows. Hence, it is the right time to optimize your website with voice technology. For you, our professional content writing services have gathered a few techniques that will illustrate the best way for optimizing your website for voice search.
Website Loading Speed

The most important thing is to speed up the website. Now, what does this mean? I’ll make it easier for you. The search engine Google favors that website moreover others who load quickly. The website that has the fastest loading time period gets on the top of the list. Therefore, speed is an important element for any kind of research either for voice search or text-based.

Aside from the speed, Google additionally favors sites that are made sure about and affirmed. It favors the sites that can be believed paying little heed to the business they hold fast to or whether they are E-Commerce sites or just web journals. The HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol) convention guarantees the guest and Google’s bot that your site can be trusted and as a result, that it consents to all the principles of the great online practices.
Create FAQs

There is a quite great difference between the text search and voice search. And in order to make your website optimized for voice search, you should definitely make yourself available to answer the questions and queries of your readers. It is very important to make users satisfied with your services.
Generally, the users have a lot of questions in their minds related to the organization and their services. So, you should create up FAQs that contain questions in the website that most commonly users ask related to the organization and services. You can take the example of McDonald’s Canada who on their website page has posted a number of questions asked by their clients and have answered them.
Along with this, they have a form on which anyone can ask their queries by submitting a small online form. You can also adopt the same method in a unique way and make your website compatible with voice search.
Lengthy Content
Search Engine Optimization depends on the innovation behind the site as well as on the class of your site’s content. You need first rate articles that are important for increasing the interest rate of your targeted audience. You need content that addresses their inquiries and attracts them to you.
The superior your content is, the more probable it is that the web indexes will rank it better and individuals will come to you, and possibly, they will become ordinary perusers. I as of late ran over an incredible report made by serpIQ on the length of the substance and the connection among length and position in indexed lists. Hence, you can create up the articles and content ranging from 2450 words to 2300 words.
This will help you in making your website capable of voice search. Because the spoken language is not as short and formal as written language, therefore the searches would be quite longer than three of four keyword searches. Voice searches usually include around 29 to 30 words in length according to the estimation of the Backlinko. This compels that SEO strategist will require to adjust by using lengthy keywords. Which will definitely benefit the chances of a higher probability of appearing in the search engines?
Mobile Friendly Sites

Sometimes the websites developed are perfect with respect to Desktop interface but aren’t compatible to give a perfect view on mobile devices. And it is been observed that people usually perform voice searches on mobile devices. Therefore, it is highly important to make your website friendly for both the desktop and the mobile version.
For checking either your website is mobile-friendly or not you can use “Google Mobile Friendly Testing Tool”. This tool will check for you and will drop the message accordingly whether it is 100% mobile responsive or not. In short, you should make sure that your site is mobile friendly to make it capable enough for voice search.
Mark Up Data

Do you compose an intensive and valuable substance for your intended interest group? All things considered, web crawler sees heaps of different variables to decide page importance and rank your site pages in the SERP, and blueprint mark-up information is one of them.
Diagram mark-up is otherwise called structure information which simply assists with improving your catchphrase positions. However, it can give you an additional edge over your rivals. Any web planning and improvement organization that has a group of SEO experts can assist you with optimizing pages for organized information. This one is an underutilized procedure since it requires coding aptitude to execute on your site pages so SEO folks won’t do this all alone. It’s particularly intended for web indexes with the goal that won’t show up on the site to your site guests.
The Hummingbird update

In 2013, Google propelled a significant algorithmic update — the Google Hummingbird. It began considering the client’s goal and the relevant significance of inquiries. Advertisers needed to refine their procedures. They went from stuffing watchwords in articles to tending to the agony purposes of their intended interest group. Voice innovation is another progression toward improving client involvement in semantics.
It depends on Natural Language Processing (NLP) to perceive voice surface, interests, and conduct. As Google keeps improving its calculation, we can expect the client’s experience to turn out to be progressively natural and smooth. Therefore, you should also update your website in accordance to this scientific algorithm and create traffic on your site.
Voice search has become one of the latest trends of today’s time period and being a marketer you need to adopt such change. In order to make your website first in the race you need to take such steps to make it capable of fighting by bonding with the revolutionary trends. So what are you waiting for, start optimizing your website from the above-mentioned scheme and be the best!