Why Shopify Stores Must Leverage Social Commerce Trends & Strategies

Since the last decade, tremendous growth has been noticed in the eCommerce industry as it provides people to shop at the ease of home and comfort. The eCommerce industry has also become the largest source of generating income for many, no matter a big brand or a small retail store.

Everyone has an equal opportunity to expand their business through the online means of selling. One such tool that is helping various businesses to flourish online is Shopify. There are currently 1,000,000 merchants running their online business with Shopify.

However, the eCommerce industry is ever-evolving and spawning offshoots with the change in the marketplace for better performance. One such offshoot of eCommerce, exponentially expanding the sales of online business, is Social Commerce.

Social Commerce opens the doors for brands and businesses to leverage sales and revenue with the help of social media platforms, one of the largest platforms where billions of people spend their maximum time of the day.

Social commerce widens the scope of sale to targeted customers spontaneously, providing all the beneficial elements to customers to make an informed and instant decision.

What and How Social Commerce Works?

Social commerce is an eCommerce strategy that includes the exchange of goods and services in exchange for value through social media platforms instead of eCommerce websites largely.

Social commerce is the integration of eCommerce and social media functionality where people find the product, get the product description, social reviews, and buy buttons at the same time to buy the product instantly. 

Many marketers get confused with social commerce and misunderstand it with social media marketing. But social commerce or social shopping is closely related to the eCommerce functionality; the only difference is it includes selling through social media channels.

Moreover, social commerce recently has gone beyond its older meaning, and now it is inevitably part of growing the sales of eCommerce stores with its potential.

Now brands and businesses are also integrating social commerce with the eCommerce platform to utilize the potential of social proof to grow sales and revenue on their online stores.

If you own a Shopify Store, you should start strategizing on social commerce to effectively grow your online store.

10 Reasons Why Shopify Store Must Include Social Commerce Strategy

According to the Adweek survey, social shopping has helped the top 500 retailers to make up to $6.5 billion in revenue in the year 2017, and the numbers are increasing every year.

You might have invested lots of money and effort to make your Shopify store successful, but none of your efforts works to grow the sales of your business. However, integrating social commerce increased sales of many Shopify stores in the last few years. This means it has the potential to grow your Shopify store too.

If you want to know how? Then read below how social commerce will be advantageous for your Shopify Store.

Attract Audience Attention

People are getting bored of seeing the same old content on every website. There are no innovations and creativity in the manner most of the eCommerce stores are incorporating to attract and engage their customers.

Hence, integrating Shoppable posts increases the website appearance with a unique touch. This helps in grabbing the attention of the audience and increasing their engagement on your website.

Display Social Proof Of Your Brand

Before making the purchase decision, 90% of online shoppers look for reviews and recommendations from existing customers who have already used the product. New customers search through Google Reviews, Facebook reviews, Instagram posts, Pinterest images, YouTube videos, etc., to find how many people are actually using the same product and their experience.

When you display the user-generated content collected from the social media platforms will display the social proof of your brand, helping your customers to not move here and there in search of reviews of your products.

Increase Authority Of Your Shopify Store

When your customers find you are actively participating in social media activities and have a good presence on social media channels, it helps you in boosting the authority of your Shopify Store. Moreover, displaying the user-generated content on your Shopify Store conveys the real experience of your customers with your brand, which gives solid proof of your product.

Build Trust & Reliability Of Customers

As people trust people more than intangible brand content. When people hear words from the real-life experience of other people, they tend to agree with their experience and learn from their experience for future decisions.

Embedding social proof helps your customers to get the real picture of your product and customer experience. They come to know how your product is useful to improve their life. Hence, your customers start to believe and trust in your brand’s product.

Enhance Customer Experience

As customer experience is a critical part of the sales journey, every brand owner needs to offer the best qualitative experience to customers when they land on their website.

Many do this by adding professionally clicked product pictures, offering various discount offers, enhancing website appearance, adding more vibrant colors to the page, etc.

Social commerce enhances the website’s appearance with the delightful colors of the social media posts that are already proving to enhance the customer’s experience on their website.

Grow Conversion Rate 

Shoppable social posts on websites help your customers to buy the product directly as they learn about the product from the post. These shoppable posts contain all the important information about the product that helps customers to better understand the product.

Through shoppable social media posts on websites, you can influence the people with the social proof and let people buy it from the post through the buy button.

Thus, with shoppable social media posts, you increase the possibilities of conversion rates on your Shopify store.

Keep Audience Hooked With Brand

Implementing social commerce strategy for your Shopify store, whether on social media accounts or embedding Shoppable social media galleries on your Shopify store, keep the audience hooked with engaging content. 

People love to see how other people or customers are using the products or availing services provided by a brand. Social media posts connect users or customers with real-life product images that captivate their attention and keep them hooked throughout their interaction with the brand.

Lowers Frictions In Customer Purchase Journey

Social commerce eases the process of shopping by allowing customers to buy the product in a single click while interacting with social media posts. Social commerce lowers the number of steps required by the buying process and scales down with a single click check out procedure.

Social commerce reduces the shopping journey friction by introducing customers to the product with details, competitive prices, and authentic content shared by the existing customers.

Social commerce lowers cart abandonment chances and gives less space to lose interest in buying the product with fewer clicks.

Make Targeting More Effective

Social commerce also widens the scope of targeting a specific audience that results in more conversion rate. Shopify stores can target the audience based on their behavior and interest in the product.

You can place the right content in front of the audience who appreciate your products and ultimately turn into buyers. Social commerce reaches the targeted audience effectively, showing your products or services to an interested audience.

Critical Growing Trends In Industry

Social commerce is a growing trend in the online shopping industry. Ecommerce stores to businesses having social media accounts are leveraging social commerce to maximize their sales and revenue.

Social commerce is increasing year by year, and many big brands are incorporating this strategy to make more sales with social media content. So, social commerce is critical for businesses this year and future, leveling your business to stand out from your competitors.

Wrapping Up!

Social commerce is expanding business at an exponential rate. Brands and businesses are getting new hopes to scale their sales and revenues like never before.

Hence, leveraging social commerce is a must-go-to strategy for every online store. So if you are the owner of a Shopify store, social commerce is the next move to expand your online business.

Project Management Skills list To Help You Succeed

15 Project Management Skills list To Help You Succeed

While the title of “project manager” seems like it could be a walk in the park, it is a role that demands a high level of skill and a lot of responsibilities. You don’t have to be a scientist to know that you won’t become a successful project manager without the necessary skills. How do you acquire the correct skills, and how should you prioritize your time to become the best manager possible? What are the most important skills for a project manager? These are all questions that wannabe managers have pondered time and time again, and fortunately, we’re here to help shed some light on them. In no particular order, let’s look at the key project management skills that you will need to master if you want to be the best.

Project Management Skills list To Help You Succeed

1. Forecasting and planning

To kick off our project management skills list, let’s discuss how the key to successful management is based on forecasting and planning. It can be a challenge, but you will need to make best-informed guesses all the time, especially as you work around resources and timelines. So, what is a project management forecast? Forecasting is an essential key in planning that helps you use any information you have two make estimates and predictions about the future. These should always be based on facts and data and never on hunches, opinions, or anything that can’t be measured. Anything that you learn can be used to help the project moves on and progress. These are crucial skills to have in the early stages of a project, but they can also help inform superiors of how projects can be improved in the future.

2. Budgeting

Only a small 2% of companies will successfully complete all of the projects they take on without going over budget. As a project manager, you will need to know how to work around financial constraints. If you step well over your budget, there could be repercussions for both you and your team. It can be difficult to get right, so get familiar with your industry and gather as much data as possible to inform your decisions.

3. Managing risk

If you want to know how to improve project management skills, learn about risk management. The project manager’s responsibility is to navigate around problems and anticipate risks before things go wrong. This will ensure that problems are less likely to come around throughout every task. Each project will have some element of risk to it, so know how to deal with it.

4. Methodologies

What are the project management skills and competencies? Many of them fall under the umbrella of methodologies such as Waterfall and Agile. There are so many unique and interesting ways of approaching project management – enough to write an entire article about! The most experienced manager will be familiar with the most applicable methodologies and will be able to pick the one that best fits their specific project and team members.

5. Monitoring and tracking

These are absolutely essential project management skills to have. Completing a project is one thing, but completing a successful project is another. You will need to know how to keep your fingers on the pulse, utilizing monitoring and tracking skills. If you do not, you are not able to support broad business goals and talk about how well the project went after it’s over. Companies will want to know what they can improve and how to do things better next time.

6. Facilitation of meetings

Typical projects have meetings, retrospectives and status updates. As the project manager, you will need to lead these meetings. It is important to know how to create an agenda, facilitate a discussion, follow up on certain action items and document notes.

7. Project management software

Various software allows you to coordinate all the elements of project management. It will be good to get acquainted with some of these project management hard skills. Experts in their field will make use of software to help streamline collaboration, communication, and iron out the creases in project plans. You should be getting tech-savvy and using whatever you can to make your life easier.

8. Expertise

In a larger sense, what are project management skills? One thing’s for sure – the skills are highly transferable. A project manager can transfer their skills to work in any number of industries. Even though it is not completely necessary, it will help you stand out if you have a basic understanding of the industry you will be working in. By having a base level of expertise, you can accurately estimate timelines, costs, and resource requirements. Your coworkers will also look up to you more, thinking that you’re trying your best.

9. Leadership

Project managers are team leaders, and your project manager skill set should include leadership skills. People need someone to trust, and you need to know that employees are on board, happy, and motivated throughout every phase of the project. As the leader, you will also need to equip people with the tools, time, and resources they need to handle their tasks. Leadership skills are project management soft skills that don’t go unnoticed. They help to build up your reputation in the company and help you come across as a professional.

10. Communication

So, just how important are communication skills in project management? If you’re thinking, “What are the skills of a project manager?” some might argue that communication is the most important skill of them all. Managers need to ensure that stakeholders and team members are fully informed about the project timeline, plan, and budget. Excellent verbal and written communication is required to update people on a project’s latest happenings. The best project management examples to learn from are most often related to good communication.

11. Time management

As you notice all the deadlines in place, you need to manage your time. Project managers will often be the main point of contact for numerous team members and appointments, so time management needs to extend to managing the time of the project’s key players too. Make sure everything runs like clockwork!

12. Problem solving

You can plan everything to a T, but you are human, and every human makes mistakes. When unexpected issues and problems crop up, a project manager must not be discouraged. You’ll need to elaborate on various resources and develop solutions to keep projects moving forward, even when there are numerous difficulties ahead.

13. Collaboration

Project managers are tasked to have a vision, rally team members, coordinate tasks, and ensure that everybody collaborates effectively. To do these things, project managers need to be skilled collaborators themselves. A key subskill in this category that is essential to collaboration to have in the arsenal is conflict resolution, as not everybody can handle it. Disagreements are inevitable, and you should know how to deal with them.

14. Organization

Tasks, deadlines, resources, and problems are a lot to deal with in one go. The best project managers are those who can keep on top of everything and stay organized. When you have all the moving pieces at your fingertips, the project will run smoothly.

15. Being adaptable

Planning is a must for every project, but every plan needs some element of adaptability. As things don’t go exactly the way you envision, you need to be adaptable. Adaptability is also key when something unanticipated occurs. The project manager will need to know how to roll with the punches and rebound quickly.

Developing project management skills

Now that you have good examples of project management skills, we hope that you can utilize them in the workplace. Fortunately, there is absolutely no shortage of resources to help you broaden your skills and increase your horizons. A number of options are available, from joining organizations such as the Association for Project Managers or taking courses with reputable bodies such as the Project Management Institute. Familiarize yourself with the project management skills we’ve mentioned, and rise to the top to become the best project manager you can be. Good luck!

In your opinion, what are some essential skills for an effective project manager? We’d love to know what you think. Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.


Game Development Models: The Secret to Popular Game Development Success


The burst in technology development and the rapid adoption of trending new technologies create a notable difference in the mobile development sector. As a result, many game app development companies are working and paying more attention to provide game development facilities to the customers as the demand for mobile game development is raised at a vast level. 

Every mobile game apps development company wants to utilize this time productively. So, they can make their market image stronger. We all have seen the changing aspects of the gaming sector in the prior years, attracting gamers worldwide.

We can see the enthusiasm in the market towards game development that every second software and mobile game development company is shifting towards the game app development side. Even the big names like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are developing their creative smartphone games to attract the audience and entertain them with their innovation. 

They are forced by the demand to create such games. As the level of demand is increasing in the market. But on the other hand, because of the high mobile game development costs, small companies don’t go for game development.

According to the Statista report, over 3.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, no doubt that the mobile phone sector is booming. Application usage and mobile phone are still increasing with stable growth without the fear of downfall in the future as mobile has become the everyday need for all of us.

By witnessing all these changes in trends, it is understandable that the game developing sector will not slow down as it is the future thing. The global game market competition is very high as every company is busy doing something innovative for their customers by bringing new technologies and resources to their companies. 

Now the game developers face a challenge in developing an innovative game that must be unique from others and capture the market. In the ever-changing market, every year there are new tools, features, technologies are announced. 

The primary goal of every mobile app game development company is to come up with the best product (channel) that fully satisfies the demands of the customers. Further, hunt the most trending technologies and create a game application for the coming generation that will be lifelong.

The combination of operating (functionality) and design are the two main features that play a vital role in game development. The design should have the ability to attract the player’s eyes and make them feel like they are playing in real. And on the other hand, the functionality must be unbeatable as no one can reach you on this. 

Along with this, the cutting-edge features are becoming essential and aid us to change the game and make it more advanced and inspiring. If you want to interact with the players and, along with that, you want to maintain your stronger image in the global market, then you have to add new and advanced features. 

On the other hand, you have to use the best mobile game development software of recent time. So don’t worry if you don’t know anything about mobile game development software and tools. If you think that developing a game is a complex task, please go through this post. 

In this guide, we have mentioned the top 5 and best mobile game engines and models. It helps you in understanding the game development process. You don’t need to be an expert to create such eye-catching games. We have mentioned some of them below:

list of the best mobile game engines & development platforms.

  1. Unity
  2. Unreal Engine
  3. Solar2D
  4. SpriteKit – 2D sprite-based games
  5. Construct 3


Among all the other mobile game engines, we have to find Unity, a cross-platform mobile game development tool from the best other tools. Unity technologies launched Unity mobile game development tool. This platform enables you to collaborate with your team and create your own game using unique 2D and 3D development features. In addition, Unity allows you to import assets from various 3D apps, such as Maya or Blender. 

On the other side, it also offers a large library of components purchased directly from their store. Furthermore, if you are developing a game first time, don’t panic; Unity is one of the most popular developments or programming platforms. It offers tutorials and tips to assist you. Unity is the best mobile game engine and one of the most well-known game creation software among other mobile game development tools.  

Supported platforms:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows Phone
  • Tizen OS
  • Fire OS


  • Free for students and personal use
  • $40/ month for a Plus edition
  • $150/ month for a Pro edition
  • $200/ month for Enterprise edition

Some popular games developed using Unity are Lara Croft Go, Angry Birds 2, Pokémon Go. On the other side, there are some of the most downloaded games have been developed using Unity.

Unreal Engine is Now Royalty-free for the First $1 Million in Revenue

Unreal Engine

This tool got some advanced features. For example, if you are not an expert developer or a newbie in development. Unreal Engine is the perfect platform for you because its user-friendly features eliminate the need for programming knowledge or skills. So, you can easily work on it. 

Moreover, this platform enables you to make improvements, and it also allows you to update your game without knowing how to program, or you don’t need to edit the code. On the other hand, the other benefits of this platform include the ease with which you can work with the interface, and it can test your game within the platform. So, a developer can create stunning 3D graphics by using Unreal Engine software and keep your players engaged in your game!

Supported platforms:

  • Windows PC
  • Sony PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
  • Mac OS X
  • iOS
  • Android
  • VR platforms
  • Linux
  • SteamOS
  • HTML5


  • Free publishing and creators licenses
  • Custom license to a custom price
  • Enterprise program for $1.000 per seat/year

Some mobile games are developed using Unreal Engine: Heart at Attack, Lineage II: Revolution, ABC Augmented Reality.

Solar2D - Wikipedia


Solar2D, previously named Corona SDK 2D Game Engine, is a cross-platform game engine that uses the Lua scripting language, which is simple to pick up or learn and can be used without any hassle. You may use its 2D features. On the other hand, the Corona Marketplace has a lot of plugins or extensions. Solar2D is famous because of its easy-to-understand documentation and its active and supportive community. It also contains a real-time simulation to let you visualize how your app will look once modifications are made.

Supported platforms:

  • iOS
  • tvOS
  • Android
  • Android TV
  • macOS
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • HTML5


  • Core functionalities are free to use

Some mobile games are developed using the Solar2D tool Grow Beets Clicker and I Love Hue.

15 tips to optimize your SpriteKit game – Hacking with Swift

Spritekit – 2d Sprite-Based Games

SpriteKit is Apple’s game engine for creating 2D games. In simple words, Apple have the rights to this game development engine.  This platform supports both Swift and Objective-C and provides developers with various tools to aid developers in developing high-performance  2D games. 

So, if you’re thinking about making an Apple game, it is the right platform for your game development project. Keep in mind that if this tool comes under Apple support, then it indicates that you won’t have to download any additional libraries or sources. You can be sure that it will properly meet and suit all of Apple’s new innovative technologies and products. 

Supported platforms:

  • iOS


  • Free

Several titles or games were developed by using SpriteKit: Squashy Bug, Trestle, and Accelebot.

Game Making Software - Construct 3

Construct 3

Construct is also a 2D game development framework, which is based on HTML5. It’s really simple to use because you don’t have to code. In simple words, no coding is needed. On the other hand, it offers a lot of features that will aid you in creating a visually stunning game in a short amount of time. Moreover, it also supports multi-platform export. So, you can launch your project on multiple devices simultaneously.

Supported platforms:

  • iOS
  • Windows Phone
A pop of color and more: updates to Android's brand


  • Web platforms: NewGrounds, Kongregate, itch.io


  • Startup: €12,51 / seat per month
  • Business: €33,26 per month

Individual: €16,49 per month

  • Gambling: Price define by contacting the company

Games or titles developed via Construct 2: The Next Penelope, Airscape: The Fall of Gravity, and Cosmochoria. So, we have discussed the top 5 game development engines widely used by almost everyone in the market. 

Several Android game makers and other companies use several tools in their game development process to offer their users a great gaming experience. Now let’s move further and discuss some other factors.

General Process Of Design & Development

7 simple steps to the web design process | Webflow Blog

If you have never done this previously, the process of developing games isn’t complex to imagine. However, several people think it’s a difficult process. So, they ask multiple questions, like how to make a mobile game, and on the other hand, some people don’t even know about cross-platform development. So, they ask what is cross-platform mobile game development is. 

That’s why a company should create a section and name as faqs: mobile game engines it would be helpful. So, a customer can directly get in touch with the company’s representative.  Usually, it begins with the visualizations: simple artistic representations, more complex design, and 3D modeling of graphics and visualizations. Animation, coding, and evaluation are all included in this. 

Yes! No doubt these are complex and challenging processes, but they’re relatively simple to describe. Furthermore, such visual design methods effectively provide the digital content required for each video game. So, the actual game development begins after that. This step requires using a development engine (such as Unity 3D, Unreal Engine, or maybe even HTML5) and entails the real programming of a playable game. 

After then, it’s just a matter of evaluating, modifying, and enhancing the product with more design in the shape of graphic rendering and animation. However, this simply outlines the broad process of game design and development. However, today’s designers use various game development models to help and guide these processes and produce efficient and successful outputs.

What Influences Your Model Selection?

Video Game Genres Everything You Need To Know | HP® Tech Takes

Let’s examine some of the aspects that decide between the two models before getting to the models themselves.

• Game Complicatedness

When you start exploring this concern in-depth, you’ll soon understand that some models have more stages and a greater focus on details than others. To some point, a designer’s choice of model can simply represent how specifics they are or how organized the development project should be. However, a more complicated gaming project may function well with one model, while a basic or simpler design will work excellently with another.

For example, you might notice that the so-called Spiral Model (which we’ll go over in more detail ahead) entails multiple testing and prototyping processes. But the Waterfall Model (which we’ll go over in more detail too below) is more about establishing a broader sequence of steps. Again, the difficulty of a game development project will aid dictate which one of these models is most appropriate.

• Structure of the Organization

Given that a more complicated structure demands additional layers of clearance for multiple phases in the development process, organizational structure plays a role in deciding on a model. Therefore,  combining one of the more complicated models with a sophisticated company structure. As a result, a complex system might lead to an inefficient process, while a basic layout will result in faster (and few) permissions, making it more suited to manage any model. 

In this respect, we have an example of a huge corporation deciding, somewhat suspiciously, to divide game development as a segregate — and easier — business entity. If we see  Sony, they have formed a new firm called Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC only a few years earlier. The purpose of developing this business was to manage research, game development, and publication. The announcement had observers in the gaming industry twisting their heads at the time.

It’s tough to say for sure what Sony was going for with this decision. Still, one consideration is that an LLC provides a simpler company structure, enabling more versatility in development models. In a relevant field, a study on company structures for new app firms points out that choosing an LLC offers several advantages in terms of structural simplicity — especially when there are several owners and stockholders.

A corporation can use this approach to create a natural structure for authorizing various steps within even more complicated development models. Businesses with more complex structural arrangements, on the other hand, may have to adhere to simpler models.

• Time

On a more basic level, time could be an important aspect! It won’t be wrong if we say that more sophisticated development processes take more time. As a result, if you need to get a game to market quickly, one of the easier approaches will be sufficient. Developers have more freedom to choose a model based on personal preference when time is less of an issue.

Various Development Models

There are numerous types of development models, and we have listed a few of them here. However, there are a few that are frequently used and can be highly useful.

Spiral Model

The Spiral Model has four key components: defining objectives, detecting and mitigating risks, developing and testing the design, and organizing the next iteration. It’s called a “spiral” since these four processes are designed to be followed in order once, twice, and as many times as compulsory to complete the development process or cycle. In addition, evaluations are supposed to be undertaken between each lap through the circle, thus allowing for prototype evaluations until the final, more in-depth development phase is finished.

Agile Model

The Agile Model for game development is based on Agile project development ideas in general. These entail breaking down the development process into smaller features or tasks to make faster progress toward a functional version. As you might expect, this strategy is best suited for mobile games and games that largely rely on DLC.

Waterfall Model

Another fascinating alternative is the Waterfall Model, which is frequently positioned as opposition to agile development. It’s less dynamic, but it’s a lot easier to understand, and it successfully represents a linear approach or strategy to the development. 

Every step in the process is finished before moving onto another. Therefore analysis and ideas lead to design, coding, and many more, with no overlapping projects or ambiguity. Of course, the technique isn’t appropriate for today’s more complicated game concepts, but it can still be useful for smaller projects or businesses with limited resources.

Final Notes

Game development requires careful planning, and preferences and possibilities can shift based on the type of firm or product. However, game designers’ success is frequently aided by the adoption of development models in general. The models break down the development in simple but effective ways, allowing for more thoughtful, intentional design and assessment – and, in the end, it brings great results.

How Do Cloud Based Call Centers Work?

Call centers are, unfortunately, often stereotyped as places of frustration for both employees and callers. When most people picture one, they think of an office filled with cramped cubicles and irate customers taking their frustrations out on exasperated agents. Perhaps you’ve even seen a TV show or movie where the air conditioner broke down in a call center to make things even worse.

What is a Cloud Call Center?

A call center is a business function that handles inbound and/or outbound phone calls with customers. A cloud call center, or cloud-based call center, is one that has its technology for handling these calls (such as the automatic caller distributor) on servers on the internet “cloud” rather than locally-owned equipment. This can make it cheaper to start up a new company while still providing excellent customer service capabilities!

What are the benefits of being a cloud call center?

  • Scalability
  • At-home agents
  • Flexibility

Cloud call center Scalability:

When there is a seasonal spike in call volume, many companies would have to buy more licenses and hardware for their on-premise technology. This expense can be avoided with cloud based software as it only requires the purchase of seats that are being used during peak hours rather than buying expensive equipment just because they need them at all times.

Cloud call center at Home agent:

Call centers that use cloud technology have the advantage of assembling a team of home agents. For markets where it is difficult to recruit and hire good agents, being able to also work from home provides an additional perk for many call center employees.

Cloud call center Flexibility

Cloud-based systems are a great option for warehousing your data because they offer easy integrations with other business applications like CRMs. For example, if you’re running a call center and want to add chat as an additional channel of communication, it can be done quickly – often the same day.

Cloud call center Integrations

Keep your focus on what’s important and let us take care of the rest. The time-consuming hassle that comes with integrating an outdated call center software system can be a headache for even experienced IT professionals, not to mention its lack of scalability in terms of customization or size limitations.

Luckily, that air conditioning scenario can be avoided in real life, thanks to services like air conditioner repair in Chicago. A work office should always be comfortable, especially now that you’re likely trying to get employees to come back after remote work caused by COVID-19. Have a skilled technician look at your air conditioning system and the furnace of your office to ensure everything is working properly. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to install a programmable thermostat as well to keep consistent temperatures and ensure that your air conditioner completes its cycles.

While you certainly can’t discount the importance of comfort, you’ll want your customer service professionals to use the best technology available for their jobs as well. Call centers have notoriously high turnover rates, and one of the most common employee complaints is using outdated technology that makes the work harder. Honestly, these days, “call center” is a bit of a misnomer. With the ability to use digital channels granted by cloud based technology, the term “contact center” makes more sense. Here’s everything you need to know about cloud based contact center solutions.

The cloud helps you overcome the limitations of legacy systems.

On-premises legacy solutions are becoming obsolete in the world of contact centers. They guarantee a solid connection between customers and agents but come with some major downsides, such as expensive repair work or upgrades from your own IT department. With on-premise systems, you’re also limited to how much customer service can be done remotely because your agent must remain at their desk in order to maintain the interaction; this is limiting for crisis management situations where remote access may be needed most urgently. This is a world of digital transformations, and we’ve all seen how important remote work can be lately.

A cloud contact center is one that operates on a network-based service, where the provider offers services based on a subscription model. Cloud services have CRM integrations that lead to better customer experiences, they have no need for on-premises hardware, and security and upgrades are handled by the provider, so contact center supervisors are freed up to focus on core tasks. Installing cloud-based systems is easy, they can be scaled as your business grows, and they allow great flexibility for employees.

True omnichannel routing is the future of contact centers.

Cloud contact centers offer greater convenience for customers since they don’t just rely on voice calls. With cloud technology, customers can contact your agents using their preferred digital means, such as text, SMS, live chat, mobile app, and more.

Calling customer service is easy when we have IVR! No need to wait on hold for hours or get transferred around before getting the help you want.

Calling customer service has never been easier thanks to interactive voice response, a technology that connects customers with agents right away and makes it hard not to find what they are looking for in minutes instead of waiting on hold all day long listening through phone menus, or being passed from agent-to-agent until someone finally answers your question.

When you work with the best cloud contact center solution, you’ll even get omnichannel routing, which allows customers to seamlessly switch between communication channels when needed, all while staying in contact with the same agent. For example, if a customer started a conversation through webchat shortly before they needed to run an errand, instead of losing their progress if the conversation takes longer than expected, they can simply switch to a hands-free voice call as they leave the house. This saves everyone’s time and provides a unique and memorable customer journey.

Don’t get left behind using old technology. Switch to cloud call center software as soon as possible to provide a great customer experience and boost your agent productivity.

How does a cloud contact center improve customer experiences while you maximize agent productivity?

With the emergence of modern call center technology, agents are empowered to provide customers with quality service. Such features as skills-based routing and predictive dialers help boost productivity while ensuring that every customer is satisfied.

Providing the right information at the right time:

The frustration and anger that customers come into a call with can be difficult for an agent to deal with. To make matters worse, when agents are forced to switch between numerous legacy backend systems, they not only slow down the process of service but also prevent themselves from being able to fully connect or empathize with their customer’s needs.

Matching an agent’s skills to the customer’s needs:

The customer’s voice is one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. It can reveal actionable insights that may have been lost by restricting avenues for interaction with your company to just web, mobile, chat, and email channels; but it takes a unified hub—such as those offered by cloud contact center platforms—to make sense of all this data across an enterprise.

Call center software warrants real-time support:

A whopping 38% of customers are at risk of defecting to competitors if their issues aren’t resolved on the first call. But by using a hub-and-spoke approach, cloud contact center solutions allow agents to follow the full thread of a customer’s journey from one channel to the next and service them more efficiently so that these problems can be solved in real-time—or even anticipated before they occur.

Experience faster deployment of new capabilities:

The days of waiting weeks or even months for new technologies are done. With a cloud contact center, you can add capabilities on the fly with instant results that will help your agents provide better customer service and increase sales opportunities while keeping costs low because it is so easy to deploy the technology.

What’s the difference between on-premise and cloud-based call centers?

It can be tough to pick the right call center software for your business. There are many different options available, and it’s important that you understand what they offer in order to make an informed decision. In this article we will explore two leading solutions–OneCall vs GoToAssist–and highlight their pros/cons so you can decide which one is best suited for your needs!

These are the four most common types of call center software. Let’s take a look:

Onsite call center

With a dedicated communication server, your call center’s hardware and software is all stored within the place of business. This allows for easy installation while also providing support from an on-site team. The type of servers can vary between PBX or IP PBX which means that you have many options to choose from when it comes to features like voice mail systems

Cloud-based call center software

Cloud-based call center solutions connect your business to a cloud of possibilities. Whether you have an office full of employees or just one person, these remote servers can make phone service available no matter what device they’re on and where they are in the world!

Hybrid hosted call center software

Hybrid software is the perfect solution for any customer service center. The pros and cons of your previous two setups will be combined, making a “middle ground” between fully virtual and onsite that can best accommodate all needs. While it may sound like an ideal situation, there are potential drawbacks with this arrangement as well which should not go unnoticed by companies looking to invest in hybrid solutions for their next call centers

Browser-based call center software

Browser-based software is a type of cloud-driven apps that can be accessed through the phone system and dialer. Browser-based doesn’t have any advantages or disadvantages, but it’s different from app-driven in terms of accessibility because you cannot access your browser without an internet connection use an installed app for short periods at certain points like when taking public transportation to work.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

Bottled and jarred packaged goods have become increasingly popular in recent years, generating a debate over their benefits and drawbacks. Consumer protection information is included here, as well as information regarding hygiene, packaging toxins, and environmental impacts.

Time is money in the fast-paced world of the 21st century. Money is saved by saving time. Food is increasingly being deposited in packaged form in order to save time (and earn money). Technological advances and commercialization have also revolutionized the packaged food market.

Both the packaging and the contents are important. Nevertheless, the initiative will raise consumer awareness of these effects and enable them to select packaging that is both eco-friendly and safe for them.

The packaging of food and beverages includes glass, plastic, aluminum, and paper. There are advantages and disadvantages for both consumers and manufacturers with these materials.

Advantages of bottled and jarred packaged goods

Far-away residents consider packaged foods to be a blessing. There is no set time for eating. In addition, storage and storage are easy. Wrapping and storing the containers are not necessary.

It is more likely that unpackaged food will become contaminated than food packaged this way. Recycled packaging is known to be safe, despite the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. Foods such as these have an extended shelf life. Freshness can be maintained for a long period of time.

Packaging protects food from damage during transportation, handling, and storage, which makes it easier to store and handle packaged food.

The life of contents can be prolonged by using glass, aluminum, or plastic containers. The convenience factor is the last but not the least. As well as saving time, grocery shopping, preparing, and cooking are eliminated.


Food packaging is used to transport and store many types of food hygienically. In the case of food, packaging can reduce contamination and bacteria, preventing illnesses, especially food poisoning.

The use of recycled materials in food packaging causes concern, however. A strict set of regulations must be followed by manufacturers who use recycled material.

The pack is additionally hygienic since food does not have to be exposed to the air, which makes it possible to store food at home.


  • Foods and beverages are packaged differently to prolong their shelf lives.
  • Placing items in plastic can help prevent discoloration and extend the life, for example.
  • Metal and glass containers are used to store food for as long as possible.

Before purchasing food, use clear plastic or glass to check for discoloration. Due to exposure to air, foods without packaging can dry out, mold, or spoil.

Packaged foods have several disadvantages

Before talking about their cons, let’s take a look at their pros. Food packaging produces a lot of waste. It has generated a great deal of waste. Therefore, packaging represents a substantial portion of the cost of all food manufacturers, making it more costly to manufacture and to purchase than unpackaged food.

Health is negatively affected by packaging. Adding artificial flavors and food additives to packaged foods not only worsens their taste, but they can also make them unhealthy.

Online shopping can cause allergic reactions, digestive problems, and increased susceptibility to illnesses like lung and heart disease.

For this issue to be resolved, the FDA must require food labels. These labels also provide nutrient information, aside from ingredients, expiration dates, and serving size.

Environment Empect of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

Over twenty percent of all waste plastic and paper comes from packaging, as reported by Duke University researchers Patrick Reaves and Michael Nolan. Food packaging is eliminated, resulting in higher waste levels for the environment.

Chelsea Rochman describes hazardous waste, according to a professor at the University of California. Cancer can potentially be caused by plastics or damage to the reproductive system due to plastics.

In addition to being nondegradable, most packaging negatively impacts both humans and animals.

Cost of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

There is an increase in food costs due to packaging. Ten to fifty percent of food products’ prices are accounted for by packaging. Because manufacturers have to create smaller packages in order to meet federal and health standards, their costs increase. In addition, storing and transporting food in smaller packages is more expensive than in bulk.

Overall, packaged food contains positive as well as negative attributes, just like everything else. In the same way that too much of anything is bad, too much of this is also bad. Whether or not we choose to consume these foods is entirely up to us.

More Advantages and Disadvantages of Bottled and Jarred Packaged Good

Now, consumers in the UK are more likely to purchase bottled and Jarred packaged goods. In supermarkets, consumers are increasingly buying convenience foods and fewer packaged foods. UK consumers are often misled to believe that they only shop at one type of store: high street stores.

However, this is not always true. In many supermarkets, you can now buy bottled and jarred packaged goods that are not the traditional types of packaged food sold in high street stores.  Because consumers want easier access to products and better service, online shopping has become increasingly popular. These products do have some disadvantages, however. This article examines some of their disadvantages before reviewing some of their advantages.

There have been long-standing concerns about packaged foods due to the packaging. In the past, consumers considered glass containers and jars undesirable and were reluctant to purchase foods that were packed in them. In spite of this, the packaging of certain types of packaged goods—including those sold in the UK—has been significantly altered in recent years. Particularly Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods meats have been affected by packaging changes. The UK now uses plastic packaging for packaged meats. Changing to plastic makes sealing meat much easier than before, which is a major reason for this change. Plastic packaging makes it easier to keep meat fresh than glass jars.

The same applies to food cans. As opposed to tin cans, plastic and glass packaging support the long-term storage of tinned foods. As a result, canned food could be more appealing to consumers. People prefer to buy canned foods because they have a long shelf life. Plastic packaging makes this possible. Cans and bottles of canned goods are often present in glass jars. You should choose glass jars over plastic jars because of their ease of cleaning and easy maintenance. Children are drawn to plastic due to its transparency and easy visibility. Cans and bottled foods differ in a number of ways with regard to their nutritional value. Canning foods low in sugar and fat are suggested as an alternative to foods high in sugar and fat to prevent this.

A Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods food also has some disadvantages besides its advantages. One of the obvious disadvantages of these foods is that they are not very appealing to children. Children may be bored by packaging and products. A grocery store offers a greater variety of fresh produce and meat than packaged foods.

Cans and bottles have the disadvantage of being expensive to ship. Purchasing packaged foods may not be feasible due to budget constraints. If one has packaged water on hand, buying or cooking food is not necessary. There is no doubt that glass bottles are the most common type of bottle for bottled water. Packaging made of plastic, however, is relatively expensive.

Form and Function Drive Design for Bottled and Jarred Packaged Goods

Throughout the bottling industry, a new mantra has taken hold: form enhances function. Food and beverage companies using bottles and jars place a high priority on functional design attributes such as gripability, sealing ability, on-the-go portability, and ease of heating and serving.

Moreover, Tay notes that “our society is becoming more mobile and independent, and food [and] beverage producers are looking more and more for ergonomic glass packaging that is resealable with a clean and efficient dispensing system.”

Based on focus group research, Bookbinder discovered that consumers really appreciate soup packaging that is resealable and portion controlled. It leveraged O-I resealable 15-ounce 15-ounce fifteen-ounce jars to manufacture new soup flavors including Sweet Burgundy Onion and Butternut Squash & Mushroom.

Additionally, soups with chunky texture are easy to pour from jars with a wide opening. With cans, however, microwave cooking is not possible. In lieu of transferring the soup to a microwave-safe dish, this method eliminates the need to transfer the soup.

In addition to storing unused products in a jar, you can also store them in a jar to save space. Transparent jars allow consumers to view a product’s packaging before they purchase it and monitor how much is left in the package while it is in the refrigerator.

Wine bottle brings its own glass

A clever design for Vino Solo bottles offers functional advantages for outbound drinkers and for concessionaires at venues that discourage glass packaging, like ballparks. Merclot and chardonnay are considered Vino Solo varietals of premium quality.

The 187-ml polyethylene terephthalate bottles are closed with a wine flute by Vino Solo and inverted over the cap. The smaller package size allows shipping and storage to be simplified.

In addition to custom-label wines as well as Vino Solo, KDM proposes to make the package available for non-alcoholic beverages as well as for other alcoholic beverages. Meanwhile, Singlz will feature the bottle-and-flute package for non-alcoholic drinks.

As Vino Solo launched in the United States, its initial customers were hotels, theaters, convention centers, cruise ships, and sports venues. Major League Baseball parks currently serve the brand.

With Vino Solo, concessionaires and foodservice operators can simplify operations by combining the flute with the bottle. Vino Solo offers unprecedented service efficiencies and margin-generating capabilities for on-premise accounts, according to KDM President Jonathan Gelula.

Vino Solo will also be available in three-pack retail packaging from KDM. Due to its break-resistant design and inclusion of drinkware, the primary package is an appealing option for consumers who want to take drinks with them while away from home. Gelula says that Vino Solo’s three-packs provide a handy solution for any kind of ‘on the go’ project, such as cooking outdoors, boating, camping, or even fishing.

What are the latest trends? On My Trending Stories, you’ll find the latest trending news. Stay up-to-date with our live news every day.

3 Reasons to Invest in Dogecoin

Cryptocurrency as a whole continues to amaze us, but sometimes there are some super incredible events in the world of crypto that just blow our minds. As of late, none are more impressive than the popularity of Dogecoin.

Let’s be completely clear here: no one, and we mean no one, thought that Dogecoin was going to do what it did. The actual creators themselves made the cryptocurrency a complete joke. Now, several years later, it’s skyrocketed in popularity to become one of the most highly-valued cryptos on the market.

As someone who wants to invest in cryptocurrency, you’ll want to consider Dogecoin as a viable option. But what’s so special about this mysterious joke coin that’s turned into a trending icon? Read this article to find out why you should invest today!

1. There’s No Limit to How Much You Can Make

One of the first things to know about Dogecoin is that your earning potential is limitless. Most other forms of crypto have a certain amount of total coins that exist, and they rarely (if ever) modify this number.

Dogecoin doesn’t do this. Instead, it’s completely open-ended, meaning that there are an unlimited amount of coins that can be made. Feel free to collect all that you want!

What is the max amount of Dogecoin?

Since DOGE blocks are created at 1-minute intervals, it is as responsive as a blockchain. Because there is no limit to the number of coins that can be produced, inflation can grow unchecked.

2. Elon Musk Is Behind It

If you’re a big fan of Elon Musk, this is all the more reason to start investing. Musk is well-known for his role in creating and establishing multiple inventions and companies, including his famous Tesla line, PayPal, and The Boring Company. Now, he’s playing a major role in the growth of Dogecoin.

Earlier this year, Musk stated that Tesla would not only recognize Dogecoin but would accept it as a form of currency in their company. The statement brought the currency to the attention of the world, and it hasn’t looked back since.

3. You Can Purchase It Anywhere

Crypto has exploded onto the scene, and many types of cryptocurrency can be found on a ton of trading platforms. Now, Dogecoin’s popularity has allowed it to make a home on several different platforms as well.

These days, if you have a smartphone, you have a way to grab up some Dogecoin. You can access this crypto from big names, including eToro, Robinhood, Gemini, Crypto.com, Coinbase, WeBull, and more. Just download the app, make an account, and start buying up some Dogecoin today!

Has this article caught your interest with Dogecoin? Before you start investing, you might want to learn a bit more information before making your first purchase. You’ll be well on your way to owning a powerful investment!

Buy a Bit of Dogecoin Today

Investing in Dogecoin is a great way to get started in the crypto world and earn a potential return in the near future. Make sure to check out the rest of our site to learn more tips and tricks you can use to climb the ladder to success!

5 Benefits Of Having A Professional Web Design

The appearance, layout, and content of a website displayed on the internet result from web designers. It predominantly refers to the user experience aspects of website development rather than software development. Before, web designers used to focus on designing websites for desktop browsers until recently where design for mobile and tablet browsers became ever-increasingly important. Creating a website for your firm has some added advantage to your business; here are some:

1. Increased Revenue

An engaging, simple, informational, and strategically designed website will attract more visitors and help convert those visitors into prospects. Many customers mean a boost in revenue, certainly benefiting your company in terms of profits and investing in a professionally designed website. Taking your corporate website into the mobile stratosphere means you can access many customers, which will lead to more sales for your business. 

Web Development Workflow For Beginners: How The Funnel Works

2. Credibility

An eye catching website will help you outshine your competitor. Having a credible website shows your customers that you are safe, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. Credibility has a direct impact on your bottom-line and youth’s ability to generate leads and sales. You should always know that your website will often be the first stop for a prospective customer. Customers can feel comfortable enough in websites like Colorado web design that takes all the necessary steps to win their trust.

The Significance of SSL Certificate in Website Speed Optimization

3. Creating A Strong First Impression

Visually appealing websites will ensure a powerful and compelling first impression. Customers judge your businesses within seconds of visiting your company’s website. They quickly develop an opinion about the business based on the first appearance if it is not branded in an attractive way or its user experience is confusing. No user will learn about the site or your products, even if it is their solution.

4. Brand Consistency

Doing something every time ensures your audience is exposed to core messages which include  visual branding, and other brand elements repeatedly, and as a result, it may help solidify brand recognition. This ensures that the delivery of a brand name aligns with the brand identity, values, and strategy over time. Do you know that consistency ensures that your brand is recognizable across all marketing channels? Having been in something for a long, it automatically creates a cohesive, consistent brand identity, unified experience for both existing and potential customers who are available and the ones you are yet to get.

The 10 Best Web Development Frameworks In 2021

5. Minimize Your Bounce Rate

Professional websites force visitors to go deeper as they are engaged in some way either because they found what they were looking for and their search is done. A bounce is said to be when a visitor leaves after watching the homepage. What companies ideally want is to travel deeper and explore what your business has got to offer. It is determined by viewing case studies, testimonials, the variability of services that the website has. The bounce rate should scale back to the maximum amount possible.  

Designers like Colorado web design offer all design development types helping you acquire new customers through your website. Your website should be of high quality, modern to display your uniqueness and your fantastic products. The layout should show information structurally and categorically with accurate colors, font, and images used. It should be easy to use, simple, and aesthetically pleasing.

Five Basic Tech Terms that Make Running a Business Safer and Easier

From plumbers to roofers, boutique owners to marketers, using technology comes with nearly every job. Even if you’re large enough to hire an IT professional to do a lot of the work for you, it’s still a good idea to know some of the basics. Not only can it help you avert disaster, it can also boost your confidence when using technology, making it more likely that you’ll learn more efficient ways to use your computer.

If you’re a tech newbie, but you’re interested in learning more that makes running your business safer and easier, start with these five tips.

IP Address

As is the case with many of the terms on this list, you have probably heard of an IP address before without knowing exactly what it is.

An IP address, or Internet Protocol address, is a number that is assigned to every device that’s connected to a computer network. Even single computers that are connected to the internet have an IP address, but networks of computers in the same building also use this concept to communicate with each other.

Other devices count too! From tablets to cell phones, you may find that you’re managing many more IP addresses than you thought.

Do yourself a favor and start managing IP addresses that are used by your business. Using an IPAM program provides you with a centralized repository so you can create an inventory of networks, subnets, and IP addresses for more accurate records.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

If you haven’t heard of a virtual private network, you may have heard it used by another name. A VPN enables you to access the internet securely. It can shield your browsing activity from prying eyes that are common on public Wi-Fi systems. Businesses use them to connect networks together, but they are also used to access local networks remotely, protect important information, and bypass internet censorship.

VPNs can easily be downloaded on any device and activated or deactivated, depending on your needs. There are many providers to choose from, so do a little research before choosing one that would work best for your business.


If you aren’t really sure what a firewall is, you aren’t alone, but it’s important for every business to have one!

Firewalls aren’t just for large companies. Every business should have one to prevent cyber-attacks, especially because 60 percent of small businessesdon’t survive one.

A firewall prevents unauthorized connections and malicious software from accessing your system and stealing important information, like customer credit card numbers. In addition, it can be used to prevent illicit activities by employees. When used the right way, it can also help you learn more about how your network is used, which can really come in handy when allowing employees to work from home.

A firewall can be enabled on computers and systems, but you can also use hardware to keep your network secure. You can find firewall devices that can be used alone or in conjunction with software options.

Cloud Hosting

Just because you’re storing some documents and pictures in the cloud doesn’t mean you know exactly what it can do! With cloud hosting, you can do even more.

The cloud can store data, freeing up space on your computers, but it can also host websites and apps. The benefit of using the cloud is the fact that you can store data for programs across multiple servers instead of storing everything on a single machine. This can make your website and app faster and more secure.

Many different hosting plans offer different services and benefits, so do your research to find the one you want to try.

Marketing Automation

Marketing automation sounds like one of those things that big businesses use to post ads on the internet. It can be, but it’s great for smaller businesses too!

Marketing automation simply means making certain marketing actions automatic. A few that can work for even the smallest of businesses include:

  • Content on social media
  • Abandoned shopping cart emails
  • Email newsletters
  • Content posted to a blog

There’s a ton to learn about running a business, most of which don’t really have anything to do with the reason why you opened your doors in the first place! However, having at least a basic knowledge of complex concepts, like technology, can make a huge difference in how easy it is to run your business and how secure your information is. Let these terms encourage you to learn even more about the world of IT to make your business even better.

5 Tips for Better Data Science Workflow

In a field like Data Science, it’s hard to find the solution to all your problems. Data Science is implemented by many industries to improve performance in present projects by connecting different data sources, monitoring, modeling, and reporting the progress of their project team. 

There is no one-fits-all solution to improve your data science workflows and produce better results. You cannot apply old models and outdated methods to every project and expect better results. You have to design new strategies based on the project requirements and expected results out of it. 

Data Science is a complex field and requires a lot of skills, experience, decision-making, team-building, and patience in order to be successful. It’s imperative that you work on different projects and learn how to implement the skills you’ve learned. Some of the Best Data Science Courses in India teach you the right skill sets and create better workflows to improve your results. 

There are different ways to optimize your approach and improve the project workflow. Below are a few suggestions to improve your Data Science workflow:

Break-down your Project into Phases

Following the traditional top-down approach for your Data Science projects could sometimes be overwhelming. The wrong strategy might even compromise your ability to reach your goals and performance. To solve this problem, you can break down the project into phases and get a clarified idea of what should be done. You can divide the project into four main phases:

Phase 1: Preliminary Analysis

In this phase, your main objectives should be gathering the data, setting goals, requirements, preparing SRS, and clarifying the objectives. Data Scientists often skip this phase, but it’s an important step to get productive and efficient results. 

Exploring the Data

The second phase includes data cleaning and transformation. Based on the requirements, you should assess and analyze the data by asking the right questions. This is because some projects require you to process huge amounts of datasets, which consumes a lot of computational resources and time. So, its important that you prepare your dataset accordingly. 

Data Visualization

Data Visualization refers to the process of converting the processed data into visuals such as graphs, charts, plots, maps, etc. This process makes data representable and easy to understand by non-technical people

Knowledge Discovery

The fourth phase in this process is knowledge discovery, where you decide which algorithms and models you should apply on the dataset to get best results. By dividing your work into phases, you can gain more insights on a project and complete the complex tasks with ease. 

Use Proper Hardware and Software Tools

Speed and efficiency are two of the most important aspects for any project that an organization looks into. If your team doesn’t have the right tools, they will not be able to produce the best results. Therefore, it’s imperative that you have the right software and hardware tools to ensure the optimal speed. 

If your project requires extensive rendering and visualizations, then you need more resources to improve the performance of your models. Programming languages like R and Python are the best suited for Data Science applications. You can learn the programming languages through an R course and implement them in your projects. 

Involve People with the Right Skills

Your team decides the date of your projects and how it’s going to roll on the expectations. A small yet skilled team will limit the outside influences and produce efficient results in the given time-period. Data Science projects involve the use of various technologies and skills. Therefore, assign the right skills to the right people and improve your project workflow. 

Select Appropriate KPIs

Selecting the appropriate Key performance indicators(KPIs) is one of the challenges of       data Scientists while planning the projects. A KPI may look promising from the outside, but it may not perform well in the background. So, you should analyze what will be the results after using a KPI and discuss with your team members. 

Organize your Project Directory and Documentation

Another factor that affects your project workflow is your project directory and documentation. So, organize all your packages, datasets, and program files in directories. Also, you can create a github repository and enable the team members to easily access your project files. For further improvements, you should create separate directories for a smoother workflow. 

Final Thoughts

Hope this blog helps you find the nuances affecting the data science project and help you improve its workflow. The key is to break down your project in individual sections and design the best strategy for it. A strategic workflow results in higher returns and better efficiency. 

Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats Businesses Should Guard Against In 2021

The rise of digital and information technology has created a new headache for businesses across the world. Just in the year 2020, the FBI states that cyberattacks grew 4x times as compared to the earlier years. To give you a rough estimate, the agency states that businesses cumulatively lost more than $1 Trillion because of cyberattacks in 2020 alone. 

Needless to say, both these numbers are expected to rise in 2021 with the pandemic creating newer opportunities for cybercriminals. Before businesses can put in place measures to protect themselves against such threats they need to be informed and educated about them. 

In this article, we look to discuss the top five cybersecurity threats that businesses should guard against. If you are a business owner or a CEO looking to put in place effective security and guarding mechanism then you should read this article till the very end. 

List of the Top 5 Cybersecurity Threats Businesses should guard against in 2021

Phishing Attacks

The nature of phishing attacks has become so advanced that you will never know that the security of your system has been compromised. Experts state that phishing attacks are targeted mainly through emails. 

We get emails from unknown ids and click on the links that are shared. This allows the hacker to establish a connection with your system and transmit malware. We must try to avoid clicking on links that are unfamiliar on emails at all times. 

Ransomware Attacks- 

By planting ransomware, cybercriminals try to extort money from businesses. Data suggests that the average cost of a ransomware attack is somewhere in the range of $4.5 Million. This means that both data and money can be extracted by engineering a ransomware attack. 

Criminals plant ransomware with the intention of blackmailing the organization and steal sensitive customer information on the dark web. As you can imagine, this can destroy the company and lead to its closure. Companies pay up for fear of the breach going public. 

Insider Attacks

Remote working has become a need of our times. However, when employees are working remotely the same cybersecurity disciplines that characterized an office space are absent. We are using personal systems, smartphones, and unsecured networks to gain access to data. 

There is a reason for the four-fold growth in cyberattacks. A majority of them take place because of remote working vulnerabilities. Using effective certificate management, secure VPNs, and training employees concerning updating security software can help in mitigating this. 

DDoS Attacks

DDoS or Denial-of-service attacks have become the chosen option for attackers ever since the pandemic started. A DDoS attack works by flooding the server or the mainframe by creating a huge flood of traffic. This results in the server crashing under the impact of so much traffic.

As soon as the server is down, hackers seize the moment to plant malware or ransomware. Businesses are not even aware that a DDoS attack has been engineered and simply mistake the issue for the downtime of a server. This is a sophisticated attack that needs adequate protection. 

Cloud Attacks

With businesses moving their operations to the cloud, hackers are having a field day identifying cloud solutions that have limited security. Cumulatively, the cloud business is expected to grow threefold and hit nearly $300 Billion by the end of 2021. 

If you have been following the news, you would have read how Blackbaud, a cloud solutions company was hacked and the data and millions of customers and businesses were released on the darknet. Businesses need to be careful when selecting a cloud solutions provider. 

The Bottom Line

The nature of cyberattacks is only going to become more advanced with the passage of time. It is high time businesses realize that credible investments in cybersecurity programs are the only way they will be able to protect themselves against attacks and infiltration. If you want us to share any of the threats in detail, let us know in the comments section below.