types of UPS

The Unstoppable Power Of The UPS

Your business is in action twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, non-stop. Your computers, monitors, routers, controls, robotics, communications, security systems, and whatever modern electronic technologies you use need to be up and running at all times. Each component depends on the next in the chain, if one section stops working, they all stop working. Any interruption in your essential systems won’t just be an inconvenience, it would be a calamity for your business’s ability to function and bring in profits. Of course, you have redundancy built in, a backup for every apparatus to make the event of a stoppage unlikely, but there is still one critical thing that all these devices have in common, vital to their continuing operation, and that is electric power. If the power stops, everything stops, and your business is dead in the water.

How do you prevent such a disaster from happening?

Fortunately, there is a tried and true technology able to do just that- the uninterruptible power supply, also known as UPS. The UPS protects advanced electronic systems from a variety of potential issues stemming from utility problems like voltage spikes, brownouts, fluctuations, overcurrent, and power outages, all of which can harm components and prevent them from functioning. Of course, even your UPS system needs redundancy, and it’s important to monitor the top UPS components that require maintenance to ensure they can continuously do their job protecting your tech and the business that depends on it from experiencing detrimental downtime. In this modern era when so much depends on electronics, the UPS has taken its place as an essential system.

who can benefit from installing a UPS system?

Any field that relies on the continuous operation of electronic technologies, which these days is pretty much all businesses, large and small, can depend on the UPS to keep everything running non-stop throughout the year.

We have extolled the virtues of the indispensable UPS system, but now let’s answer the question of how does it actually work? In short, it starts with batteries.

There are basically three types of UPS in use:


The most basic UPS type, it provides backup battery power in the event of common outages or fluctuations. When the incoming power falls below, or surges above safe voltage levels, the UPS switches over to the Battery’s DC power, which it then inverts into AC that can safely run all the equipment connected to your system.

Line Interactive:

This UPS corrects minor fluctuations in power without needing to switch over to a battery. This is especially useful in sags and surges in incoming utility power, as well as during blackouts.


Used for the most advanced and critical systems, this UPS ensures clean, consistent and nearly flawless power regardless of the state of incoming voltage.

Australia is a world leader in the development of dependable energy supply, but if the power ever does go out, we have our reliable backup, the true blue UPS system.

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